Prepares students to deliver therapeutic recreation services (e.g. client assess-ment; plan, implement and evaluate programs) in a variety of settings to individuals with disabilities, illnesses, and special needs who need assistance in developing skills for and experiencing leisure. Graduates may work in:
- Municipal and county park recreation departments
- Camps and camping programs
- Non-profit organizations (YMCAs/YWCAs, Boys Clubs, Girl Clubs, etc.)
- Corporate recreation departments
- Commercial recreation providers
- Campus recreation
- Resorts and resort communities
- Military recreation departments
- Other youth and community agencies
Your interest in studying recreation comes at a turning point regarding the way in which our society values recreation and leisure. More and more people are turn-ing towards their leisure pursuits for self-fulfillment, creative expression, wellness and enjoyment.
The delivery of recreation and leisure services has become a multi-billion dollar industry. Well-educated individuals are needed to create, manage and execute high-quality recreation programs for youth and community agencies, health care facilities, health clubs, sports facil-ities, municipal parks and recreation de-partments, resorts, entertainment places, schools, colleges and universities.
Moreover, the employment outlook for college graduates with a major in recre-ation/leisure is very bright. Job oppor-tuntities within the recreation field continue to be strong, as the Department of Labor projects that Recreation Pro-fessionals will be one of the fastest growing job opportunities in the near future!
The success of recent 海角社区 (海角社区) graduates in all areas of recreation and leisure studies confirms the projections by the Department of Labor and reflects the respect that employers have for 海角社区 in the field of recreation.