
Professional Organization


Our professional organization for Health Information is the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) which has over 103,000 members globally.  Students who enter the professional phase of the HIA Program become student members of the association which includes membership to our State Association: the Illinois Health Information Management Association (ILHIMA).  Our HIA students have a long history of volunteering at Annual Meetings and subsequently serving as officers of the ILHIMA Board, AHIMA task groups and AHIMA Board.  Students also attend and volunteer at the local Association which is the Chicagoland Area Health Information Management Association (CAHIMA). Please, visit  for more information on State activities and to explore activities of CAHIMA that is listed under the regional association tab of the ILHIMA website. Students are immersed into professional life with opportunities for learning, networking and serving.


The community of practice for the registered health information administrator (RHIA) extends beyond the classroom into the local, state and national realm with the potential of global connections and impact.  The RHIAs manages health record/health information services, designs patient information systems, helps determine the flow of the medical information, what equipment will be purchased, and the staffing level necessary to provide the services required. The RHIA also plays an important role in quality improvement activities and contributes to the financial viability of an organization as well as serving as educators in various venues.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment opportunities for Medical and Health Service Managers are expected to grow much faster (32%) than average for all occupations for 2019-2029. Medical and Health Services Managers:: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (bls.gov)

For more information about the emerging field of health information management can be obtained from the website of the American Health Information Management Association at . Please, explore the Career Map and most recent AHIMA salary snapshot survey.