


Entering freshmen and transfer students must meet the general admission requirements of the University and successfully complete the required university examinations and courses in English, mathematics and reading. The mathematics examination might be waived for students who have completed college algebra and a basic course in statistics at an accredited institution. The HIA Department will accept only prerequisite courses and courses in the major in which students have earned a grade of C or higher.

Admission to the professional program is based on the following requirements and acceptance by the department admissions committee. All students must complete the prerequisites specified in the current curriculum pattern, with a grade of C or higher, and have a GPA of 2.5 or better (on a 4.0 scale).

pdf Recommendation Form

The following documents are required to be considered for admission into the BS program:

  • A completed application form.
  • An essay explaining the motivation for pursuing health information administration and intended career goals.
  • Two recommendations completed on the College of Health Sciences forms, mailed directly to the HIA Department by the evaluators: and
  • A personal interview

Applications and supporting documents should be received in the Department of Health Information Administration by April 30, to be considered for fall admission to the professional program. Applicants will be advised by mail of their admission status by or before June 15. If all openings are not filled, applications will continue to be accepted until July 1.

Apply Here

Your Contact Info
School Background
I, the student applicant, give my consent to the College to contact the listed supervisors, coordinators and references for recommendations.  With full understanding of the confidential nature of each recommendation, I hereby waive my right, present or future, that I might have to review these confidential recommendations.
I certify that all information given in the application is complete and correct.

Anti-discrimination Policy

The College of Health Sciences does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, or sex.