
Behavioral Threat Assessment and Intervention Team


海角社区 is committed to promoting a safe and secure learning and work environment. 海角社区, a public, comprehensive, urban institution of higher learning located on the south side of Chicago, strives for excellence in teaching, research, creative expression and community service.

Vision Statement

海角社区 will be recognized for innovations in teaching and research, and in promoting ethical leadership, entrepreneurship, and social and environmental justice. We will embrace, engage, educate, and empower our students and community to transform lives locally and globally.

Mission Statement

海角社区 (海角社区) is a public, comprehensive university that provides access to higher education for all students, including those who are academically underprepared and economically disadvantaged. The university fosters the intellectual development of a diverse student population through a rigorous, positive, and transformative educational experience. 海角社区 is committed to teaching, research, service and community development including social justice, leadership and entrepreneurship.

The University is committed to student success and strives to maintain an intellectual atmosphere that provides for the protection of the health, safety, welfare, and property of all members of the campus community. To uphold these community standards the University relies on the enforcement of all local, state, and federal laws and all relevant Chicago State University policies.


海角社区 has established a Threat Assessment Team known as the Behavioral Assessment and Intervention Team (BAIT) to assist in addressing situations where students, faculty, or staff are displaying disruptive or threatening behaviors that could potentially impede their own or others ability to function successfully or safely. The process is designed to help identify persons whose behaviors could potentially endanger their own safety or the health and safety of others.

It is the responsibility of faculty, staff and students to immediately report any situation that could possibly result in harm to anyone at the University. Any member of the campus community may become aware of troubling behavior or situation that is causing serious anxiety, stress or fear and, if so, this information should be forwarded to the University Police. In cases where a person may pose an immediate risk of violence to self or others, the University Police should be contacted at (773) 995-2111.


For the safety of the campus community any threat, explicit or implied, will be considered a statement of intent. The Behavioral Assessment and Intervention Team (BAIT) will recommend actions to the appropriate university administrator in order to protect the student, employee, and University community. This Team has been established to:

  • Respond to circumstances of violence, threatening behavior, unwanted pursuit or harassment;
  • Investigate the situation and recommend appropriate actions including suspension, expulsion, termination of employment, filing of criminal charges, or ongoing monitoring for follow-up and observation of behavior patterns;
  • Respond quickly to behavior indicating a student, faculty or staff member poses a risk to self or others;
  • Identify resources for troubled students and personnel and make referrals to appropriate campus and off-campus agencies;
  • Help secure therapeutic actions that are appropriate, such as treatment or counseling;
  • Notify, within FERPA guidelines, parents, guardians and/or next-of-kin;
  • Initiate action to place a student/employee in the custody of a mental health facility capable of supporting specific behaviors;
  • Require internal or external psychological evaluations;
  • Coordinate and assess information from faculty, administrators, students, and local authorities;
  • Periodically assess outcomes of actions taken.

Nothing in this policy is intended to abridge any employee's rights under a collective bargaining agreement or their rights at law.


The Behavioral Assessment and Intervention Team consists of University personnel with expertise in human resources/employee assistance, law enforcement/threat assessment/tactical applications, university

operations, medical knowledge, and student affairs. A collaborative process to assess threats will be used and depending on the situation, personnel with areas of specialization/responsibility may be called upon to assist the Team. Other individuals may also be consulted as needed such as a faculty member who has a concern about a student, a counseling psychologist to share expertise, and/or a manager who has information concerning an employee.
The Team will meet on an emergency basis as well as regularly to review reports brought forward by faculty, staff, and students concerning disruptive, inappropriate, and/or threatening behavior.


It is everyone's responsibility to report situations that could possibly result in harm to the campus community by contacting the University Police at (773) 995-2111.