
About B.A.I.T.


海角社区 (海角社区) is committed to providing a learning environment that is conducive for students to develop to their fullest potential. Our purpose is to work collaboratively with other professionals to protect, as much as possible, the health, safety and welfare of our students and the 海角社区 community.

However, there will be occasions when a students behavior-win cause concern in other members of the campus community. Faculty members are usually one of the first experience student behavioral concern in the form of classroom disruptions. Behavior that Is disruptive, intimidating or threatening to others should be reported to BALT, This team is designed to assist faculty and staff with identifying behaviors of concern and the process by which to get the student the appropriate assistance.

These guidelines establish the Behavioral Assessment & Intervention Team (BAIT) as an official university team and establish the official guidelines by which this team will operate.

Team Responsibilities

B.A.I.T. members will assess situations involving a student who may be demonstrating behavior of concern, poses a potential risk of harm to persons and property in the University community or is at risk of or engaged in disruption of a University activity in violation of the Student Cade of Conduct.

Members of BAIT. will engage in semi-annual reviews of these guidelines to ensure that they meet the slated objective; appropriately balances student rights with the larger community welfare; is consistent with the current climate of the University environment and Is In compliance with state and federal laws.

Team members will strive to ensure that any employee or student acting in good faith by reporting real or implied violent behavior or other behavioral concerns will not be retaliated against or subjected to harassment.

BAIT, will take action against any employee or student who makes a deliberately false or misleading report of violence under these guidelines. Such incidents will be handled as incidents of unacceptable personal conduct, and the employee or student making such false or misleading reports will be subject to disciplinary action under the University's disciplinary policies.

B.A.I.T. will consult with appropriate administration, faculty, staff or student when gathering information pertinent to the Incident at hand. Consultations will be made with every attempt to minimize any embarrassment to the student and to protect the students right to privacy.

Membership - Team Composition

The Behavioral Intervention and Threat Assessment Team will be chaired by the Vice President of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs. In the event that this person is unavailable, the Dean of Students will chair the meeting. Full team composition is listed below.

Senior Academic Officer
Provost & Senior Vice President

Senior Student Affairs Officers
Vice President of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs
Dean of Students

Law Enforcement Representative
Chief of University Police
Captain of University Police

Mental Health Representative
Director of the Counseling Center
Director of Wellness/Health Center

Judicial Representative
Director of Judicial Affairs

Legal Representative
University Associate General Counsel

Periodically, a representative from various university departments may be called upon to serve as a floating member of the team. This determination wit be made on a case by case basis and limited to only those necessary to the assessment of the incident.


Standing meetings are held the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month, with the right to change meeting dates In conflict with a University event or holiday or to add meetings as incidents present.

Emergency meetings will be held in the University Police station. In the absence of the chair, the Dean of Students, shall take on the role and responsibilities of the meeting.