
Forms & Documents

Women filling out formsThe Academic Plan and Four Year Academic and Co-Curricular Plan forms need to be completed in order to submit your SAP petition. Be sure to fill out the forms and bring the forms with you to the Office of Academic Support, Cordell Reed Student Union Building, Room 158. During your appointment with an academic advisor, your plan will be reviewed. SAP petitions that do not have all of the appropriate forms and signatures attached will not be processed. You must meet with an advisor. To schedule an appointment, please call (773) 995-4510.

The Academic Plan and Four Year Academic and Co-Curricular Plan forms can be obtained in the Office of Academic Support, CRSUB 158.


To download a form, just click on a link below:

pdf Instructions for Completing Academic Plan-Updated

pdf SAP Petition

pdf Academic Action  Plan-Updated

pdf Four Year Plan-Updated

pdf SAP Petition Review Form Updated