
Course Description

Course# Course Description Credit

PHAR 6116- Pharmacy Physiology

Fundamental principles of normal physiological function of the human body for the pharmacy student. Topics include all major organ systems and will include the relationship between anatomy and physiology, as well as allow for interpretation of pathophysiological states.

Prerequisites: Admission into the Doctor of Pharmacy Program.


PHAR 6111 - Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms I

Physiochemical properties for the formulation, preparation, stability, and performance of solid pharmaceutical dosage forms. The mathematical calculations for the dosage forms will also be incorporated into the lecture and laboratory sessions. A weekly laboratory session allows for application of pharmaceutical properties and calculations to pharmaceutical compounding.

Prerequisites: Admission into the Doctor of Pharmacy Program.


PHAR 6117 - Pharmaceutical Calculations I

Pharmaceutical Calculations I examines how to apply basic mathematical skills in solving calculation problems encountered in pharmacy practice. Topics covered include: proportions and dimensional analysis, percentage strength and ratio strength. Both accuracy and speed are emphasized 

Prerequisites: Admission into the Doctor of Pharmacy Program.


PHAR 6120 - Introduction to Pharmacy and Healthcare systems

Structure and composition of the United States health care delivery system. Political and economic issues are introduced and their implications for the practice of pharmacy. The history of pharmacy, its role in the health care system, and interactions with other health care professionals is discussed.

Prerequisites: Admission into the Doctor of Pharmacy Program.


PHAR 6121 - Professional Practice I- Introduction  to Pharmacy Practice

Factors that influence contemporary pharmacy practice, roles, responsibilities and expectations are explored. Includes medical terminology and commonly prescribed drugs dispensed in a community pharmacy practice setting. A four (4) hour weekly introductory pharmacy practice experience in a community pharmacy allows for application of principles.

Prerequisites: Admission into the Doctor of Pharmacy Program.


PHAR 6118 – Pharmacy Patient Skills I 

This is the first class in a series of coursework where students will be introduced to the practice of pharmacy through lectures and workshops. Students will learn the basic principles of pharmacy practice, including the pharmacist-patient care process, the prescription process, and the potential challenges of applying these to a practice setting. Students will be expected to demonstrate patient interviewing and drug information skills.

Prerequisites: Admission into the Doctor of Pharmacy Program.


PHAR 6119 – Intro to Professionalism

The goals of the course are to introduce the first-year student pharmacist to: demonstrating professionalism as a student and growing professional; exhibiting qualities and attributes that will lead to success in the College and beyond; developing effective communication skills; and utilizing self-awareness as a tool to assist in the development of a professional.

Pequisites: Admission into the Doctor of Pharmacy Program.

Course# Course Description Credit

PHAR 6125 – Pharmacy Biochemistry

The course covers the structure/function relationships of biologically important molecules. Topics include anabolic and catabolic pathways of human metabolism for proteins/carbohydrates/lipids as well as the function of those macromolecules in normal and abnormal physiological function.

Pequisites: Admission into the Doctor of Pharmacy Program.


PHAR 6112 - Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms II

Physiochemical properties for the formulation, preparation, stability, and performance of sterile dosage forms. The mathematical calculations for the dosage forms will also be incorporated into the lecture and laboratory sessions. A weekly laboratory session allows for application of pharmaceutical properties and calculations to sterile product preparation.

Prerequisites: Completion of PHAR 6112 or consent of instructor.


PHAR 6126 – Medical Microbiology

Fundamental principles of clinical microbiology with emphasis on prevention, control, and rational management of pathogenic organisms.

Prerequisites: Admission into the Doctor of Pharmacy Program.


PHAR 6123 - Research Methods and Pharmacoepidemiology

Introduction to the statistical concepts and methods utilized when applying statistics to health and pharmacy-related decision-making and patient care. Application of principles of epidemiology to the study of drug use and outcomes in large populations included. Common methods of conducting epidemiologic research in pharmacy practice will be covered.

Prerequisites: Admission into the Doctor of Pharmacy Program.


PHAR 6128 – Pharmacy Patient Skills II

This is the second class in a series of coursework where students will be introduced to the practice of pharmacy through lectures and workshops. Students will learn the basic principles of pharmacy practice, including the pharmacist-patient care process, the prescription process, and the potential challenges of applying these to a practice setting. Students will be expected to demonstrate patient interviewing and drug information skills.

Prerequisites: Admission into the Doctor of Pharmacy Program.


PHAR 6122 - Professional Practice II- Public Health: Policy, Prevention,  and Wellness

Principles of the United States public health system for the pharmacist. Focus on public health policy, health promotion and disease prevention initiatives. Population-specific applications, quality improvement strategies and research processes utilized to identify and solve public health problems are discussed. A four (4) hour weekly service-learning practicum in a community-based public health services center allows for application of principles.

Prerequisites: Completion of PHAR 6121 or consent of instructor.


PHAR 6127 - Pharmaceutical Calculations II

Pharmaceutical Calculations II examines how to apply basic mathematical skills in solving calculations problems encountered in pharmacy practice. Topics covered include: milliequivalents, osmolarity, calculations of doses, reconstitution, intravenous flow rates, and altering product strength. Both accuracy and speed are emphasized throughout the course.

Prerequisites: Admission into the Doctor of Pharmacy Program.

Course# Course Description Credit

PHAR 6213 - Pharm Dosage Forms III - Sterile Products

Physiochemical properties for the formulation, preparation, stability, and performance of sterile dosage forms. The mathematical calculations for the dosage forms will also be incorporated into the lecture and laboratory sessions. A weekly laboratory session allows for application of pharmaceutical properties and calculations to sterile product preparation.

Prerequisites: Completion of PHAR 6112 or consent of instructor.


PHAR 6211 - Principles of Pharmacokinetics

Principles of biopharmaceutics and pharmacokinetics including calculation and interpretation of kinetic data. Additional topics include factors that determine drug disposition, design and adjustment of dosing regimens, and prediction of drug interactions.

Prerequisites: Admission into the Doctor of Pharmacy Program.


PHAR 6212 – Pharmacy Immunology

This course will cover basic principles of immunology including: cells and organs of the immune system, activation of the immune system, and the role of the immune system in response to infectious disease. It will highlight innate and adaptive immunity, principles of antibody actions, and hypersensitivity and types of reactions. Other topics include organ transplant, autoimmunity, and immune suppression.


PHAR 6231 - Drug Action, Structure, and Therapeutics I

Integrated pharmacy curriculum for disciplines of pathophysiology, medicinal chemistry, pharmacology, and therapeutics. Introduction to pathology and disease states, ADME principles and drug design, receptor theory and signaling mechanisms, and logical patient evaluation.


PHAR 6232 - Drug Action, Structure, and Therapeutics II - Nutrition, ANS, and Cardiovascular and Renal

Continuation of integrated pharmacy curriculum for disciplines of pathophysiology, medicinal chemistry, pharmacology, and therapeutics. Focus on patient nutrition/fluid/electrolyte requirements, autonomic nervous system, and therapy for cardiovascular and renal disorders.

Prerequisites: Completion of PHAR 6231 or consent of DAST Coordinator.


PHAR 6218 - Pharmacy Patient Skills III

This is the third class in a series of coursework where students will be introduced to the practice of pharmacy through lectures and workshops. The students will learn the basic principles of pharmacy practice including the pharmacist patient care process, the prescription process, and the potential challenges of applying them to a practice setting. Students will be expected to demonstrate patient interviewing and drug information skills.


PHAR 6223 - Professional Practice III - Institutional Orientation

Orientation to introductory pharmacy practice experience in an institutional pharmacy setting allows for application of principles.

Prerequisites: Completion of PHAR 6122 or consent of instructor.

Course# Course Description Credit

PHAR 6229 - Pharmacogenomics

Pharmacogenomics with focus on basic genetics, regulation of metabolic function, and principles of gene expression. The application of genetic principles to pathophysiological states and medication use will also be discussed.



PHAR 6228 - Pharmacy Patient Skills IV

This is the fourth class in a series of coursework where students will be introduced to the practice of pharmacy through lectures and workshops. The students will learn the basic principles of pharmacy practice including the pharmacist patient care process, the prescription process, and the potential challenges of applying them to a practice setting. Students will be expected to demonstrate patient interviewing and drug information skills.



PHAR 6233 - Drug Action, Structure, and Therapeutics III

Continuation of integrated pharmacy curriculum for disciplines of pathophysiology, medicinal chemistry, pharmacology, and therapeutics. Completion of therapy for cardiovascular and renal disorders.

Prerequisites: Completion of PHAR 6232 or consent of DAST coordinator.


PHAR 6234 - Drug Action, Structure, and Therapeutics IV

Continuation of integrated pharmacy curriculum for disciplines of pathophysiology, medicinal chemistry, pharmacology, and therapeutics. Focus on therapy of endocrine, pulmonary, and genitourinary disorders.

Prerequisites: Completion of PHAR or consent of DAST coordinator.


PHAR 6223 - Professional Practice IV-Institutional

Exploration of medication use processes in institutional pharmacy practice settings. Technology, patient safety principles, pharmaceutical compounding (sterile and non-sterile), operational issues and formulary management are emphasized. An eight (8) hour weekly introductory pharmacy practice experience in an institutional pharmacy setting allows for application of principles.

Prerequisites: Completion of PHAR 6223 or consent of instructor.


PHAR 6222 - Literature Evaluation/Evidence Based Medicine

Overview of drug information resources and systematic approaches for critical evaluation of the medical literature. Problem-based learning strategies will be utilized to assist in combining clinical expertise, patient characteristics and medical evidence for clinical decision-making and effective communication of information.

Prerequisites: Completion of PHAR 6123 or consent of instructor.

65XX Professional Electives 2-4
Course# Course Description Credit

PHAR 6321 - Pharmacy Practice Management

Introduction of pharmacy operations management, pharmacy financial resources oversight, personnel management and human resources, medication-use process management, compensation mechanisms for pharmacy services, medication safety initiatives, error prevention strategies, developing and marketing of services, innovative services provision and related issues in professional pharmacy practice.

Prerequisites: Third-year standing in the Doctor of Pharmacy program or consent of instructor.


PHAR 6335 - Drug Action, Structure, and Therapeutics V

Continuation of integrated pharmacy curriculum for disciplines of pathophysiology, medicinal chemistry, pharmacology, and therapeutics. Focus on therapy of gastrointestinal, immunological, and central nervous system disorders.

Prerequisites: Completion of PHAR 6234 or consent of DAST coordinator.



PHAR 6336 - Drug Action, Structure, and Therapeutics VI

Continuation of integrated pharmacy curriculum for disciplines of pathophysiology, medicinal chemistry, pharmacology, and therapeutics. Completion of therapy for central nervous system disorders and focus on substance abuse and management of critically ill patients.

Prerequisites: Completion of PHAR 6335 or consent of DAST coordinator.



PHAR 6318 - Pharmacy Patient Skills V

This is the fifth class in a series of coursework where students will be introduced to the practice of pharmacy through lectures and workshops. The students will learn the basic principles of pharmacy practice including the pharmacist patient care process, the prescription process, and the potential challenges of applying them to a practice setting. Students will be expected to demonstrate patient interviewing and drug information skills.



PHAR 6324 - Health Economics/Outcomes

Basic and applied economic theory and principles, pharmacoeconomic analysis of the cost of drug therapy to health care systems and society, and application of pharmacoeconomic research principles in the determination of alternatives producing the best health outcomes for invested resources. Issues related to formulary management, drug usage evaluation, adverse drug events, reimbursement models, and health care reform will also be included.

Prerequisites: Completion of PHAR 6123 and third-year standing in the Doctor of Pharmacy program or consent of instructor.



Professional Electives (2-4)


Course# Course Description Credit


PHAR 6227 - Pharm Law and Ethics

PHARMACY LAW AND ETHICS (3) - Federal and state statutes and regulations pertaining to the practice of pharmacy, licensing of pharmacists and supportive personnel, and drug distribution. Case law, standards of care and the ethical dilemmas encountered during the provision of care in a variety of patient populations are included. Issues relative to business activities and professional ethics are also covered.

Prerequisites: Second-year standing in the Doctor of Pharmacy program or consent of instructor.



PHAR 6328 - Pharm Patient Skills VI

PHARMACY PATIENT SKILLS VI (2) This is the sixth and final course in a series of coursework where students will be introduced to the practice of pharmacy through lectures and workshops. The students will learn the basic principles of pharmacy practice including the pharmacist patient care process, the prescription process, and the potential challenges of applying them to a practice setting. Students will be expected to demonstrate patient interviewing and drug information skills.



PHAR 6337 - Drug Action, Structure, and Therapeutics VII

DRUG ACTION, STRUCTURE, AND THERAPEUTICS VII-INFECTIOUS DISEASE (4) Continuation of integrated pharmacy curriculum for disciplines of pathophysiology, medicinal chemistry, pharmacology, and therapeutics. Focus on therapy of infectious diseases caused by bacteria, fungi, protozoans, and helminths 

Prerequisites: Completion of PHAR 6336 or consent of DAST coordinator.



PHAR 6338 - Drug Action, Structure, and Therapeutics VIII

Continuation of integrated pharmacy curriculum for disciplines of pathophysiology, medicinal chemistry, pharmacology, and therapeutics. Focus on infectious diseases caused by viruses, therapy of neoplastic diseases, and basic/clinical toxicology.

Prerequisites: Completion of PHAR 6337 or consent of DAST coordinator.



PHAR 6325 - Professional Practice V - Applied Practice Skills

Application of patient-centered pharmacy care principles, pharmaceutical knowledge, and effective professional communication. An independently arranged forty-hour intermediate experience in a community pharmacy practice setting allows for application of principles with professional communication emphasized. Participation in first and second professional-year student teaching will also be assigned. Prerequisites: Completion of PHAR 6224 or consent of instructor.



Professional Electives (2-4)


Course# Course Description Credit


PHAR 6326 - Prof Practice VI

PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE VI-APPLIED PRACTICE SKILLS (1) Application of patient-centered pharmacy care principles, pharmaceutical knowledge, and effective professional communication. An eighty-two-hour intermediate experience in an acute or ambulatory care pharmacy practice setting allows for application of principles with clinical reasoning emphasized. The development of a comprehensive pharmaceutical care plan with an accompanying patient case presentation will be required at the conclusion of the practicum.

Prerequisites: PHAR 6225 or consent of instructor.





PHAR 6421 - Intro to APPE

Orientation and overview of expectations while completing the advanced pharmacy practice experiences. Required assignments, performance criteria/grading, preceptor/site evaluations, and other general guidelines will be emphasized during this three-day orientation. Assessment of the course will be pass/fail.

Prerequisites: Successful completion of PHAR 6326 or consent of instructor and fourth professional year standing.



Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience


Course# Course Descriptin Credit


Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience



Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience



Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience


Course# Course Description Credit


Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience



Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience



PHAR 6449 - NAPLEX Intensive Review 

The NAPLEX is a comprehensive exam that is based on competencies established by the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP) for licensure to practice as a pharmacist. The purpose of this course to help the student establish a routine of steady preparation and adequate practice in studying for the NAPLEX exam.





PHAR 6422 - APPE-Ambulatory Care

Clinical pharmacy practice experience in an ambulatory care setting with application of patient interviewing, assessment, treatment plan development, and monitoring skills. The integration of problem-solving, critical thinking and communication is emphasized.

Prerequisites: Completion of PHAR 6421 or consent of instructor and fourth professional year standing.

PHAR 6423 - APPE-Community

Clinical pharmacy practice experience in a community setting with application of patient interviewing, assessment, treatment plan development, and monitoring skills. The integration of problem-solving, critical thinking and communication is emphasized.

Prerequisites: Completion of PHAR 6421 or consent of instructor and fourth professional year standing.

PHAR 6424 - APPE-Institutional

Clinical pharmacy practice experience in an institutional setting with application of patient interviewing, assessment, treatment plan development, and monitoring skills. The integration of problem-solving, critical thinking and communication is emphasized.

Prerequisites: Completion of PHAR 6421 or consent of instructor and fourth professional year standing.

PHAR 6425 - APPE-General Medicine

Clinical pharmacy practice experience in a general medicine setting with application of patient interviewing, assessment, treatment plan development, and monitoring skills. The integration of problem-solving, critical thinking and communication is emphasized.

Prerequisites: Completion of PHAR 6421 or consent of instructor and fourth professional year standing.



