
Courses & Catalog

Course Offerings

  1. ENG 5306 - Adolescent Literature (3)
  2. ENG 5314 - Victorian Literature (3)
  3. ENG 5316 - World Masterpieces (3)
  4. ENG 5321 - Black Women Writers (3)
  5. ENG 5322 - Black American Poetry (3)
  6. ENG 5323 - Wright, Ellison, and Baldwin (3)
  7. ENG 5324 - Gwendolyn Brooks Seminar (3)
  8. ENG 5326 - Studies in Romantic Literature (3)
  9. ENG 5329 - Studies in the Novel (3)
  10. ENG 5331 - Literary Criticism (3)
  11. ENG 5332 - Black American Fiction (3)
  12. ENG 5334 - Image of Blacks in Amer Prose Fic (3)
  13. ENG 5338 - Language (3)
  14. ENG 5339 - Current English Usage (3)
  15. ENG 5341 - American Literature Since 1918 (3)
  16. ENG 5342 - English Literature Since 1918 (3)
  17. ENG 5343 - Contemporary World Literature (3)
  18. ENG 5345 - American Literature, 1820-1865 (3)
  19. ENG 5346 - American Literature, 1865-1917 (3)
  20. ENG 5349 - The English Novel (3)
  21. ENG 5355 - Modern World Drama (3)
  22. ENG 5356 - The Experience of Film (3)
  23. ENG 5357 - The English Renaissance (3)
  24. ENG 5358 - English Lit of the 17th Century (3)
  25. ENG 5359 - Literature of the 18th Century (3)
  26. ENG 5360 - Teaching Literature (3)
  27. ENG 5361 - Language and Culture (3)
  28. ENG 5366 - Teaching English as Second Language (3)
  29. ENG 5367 - Special Topics in English (3)
  30. ENG 5368 - Workshop in English (3)
  31. ENG 5370 - The Amer Ethnic Exp In Literature (3)
  32. ENG 5371 - Immigrant Literature (3)
  33. ENG 5373 - Careers in Publishing (3)
  34. ENG 5374 - Book Publishing (3)
  35. ENG 5377 - Teach Write in a Multicultureal Set (3)
  36. ENG 5380 - Seminar in Non-Fiction (3)
  37. ENG 5381 - Seminar in Fiction (3)
  38. ENG 5383 - Ssminar in Poetry (3)
  39. ENG 5384 - African-American Autobiography (3)
  40. ENG 5386 - Morrison, Walker, and Hurston (3)
  41. ENG 5390 - Women's Voices (3)
  42. ENG 5395 - Intership in Writing (3-12)
  43. ENG 5411 - Studies in Shakespeare (3)
  44. ENG 5415 - Studies in Chaucer (3)
  45. ENG 5427 - Meth & Mat of Literary Research (3)
  46. ENG 5428 - History of Literarry Criticism (3)
  47. ENG 5435 - History of English (3)
  48. ENG 5436 - Descriptive Grammar (3)
  49. ENG 5441 - Advanced Studies in English Literature (3)
  50. ENG 5442 - Advanced Studies in American Literature (3)
  51. ENG 5443 - Advanced Studies in Black Literature (3)
  52. ENG 5447 - Seminar in Black Literature (3)
  53. ENG 5449 - The Politics of Language (3)
  54. ENG 5451 - Independent Study in English (1-3)
  55. ENG 5452 - Seminar in English Literature (3)
  56. ENG 5453 - Seminar in American Literature (3)
  57. ENG 5454 - Seminar in the English Language (3)
  58. ENG 5455 - Seminar in the Teaching of Composition (3)
  59. ENG 5456 - Seminar in Publishing-Writing (3)


ENG 5498 - Master's Thesis (3)