Subject to change. Please refer to the 海角社区 catalog for the most up-to-date, accurate
1000 Freshman Seminar Spanish (1) Exposure to the Spanish major. Introductory study skills, time management, and career
1092 Illinois Foreign Language Teacher Certification Review (1) Prerequisite: SPAN 4170 or equivalent, ED 4500 and consent of the department. Must
be completed before enrolling in student teaching. Review of vocabulary, syntax, language
usage, specific grammar points, cultural concepts, and principles of foreign language
teaching to prepare for the state certification examination. Credit may not be counted
toward degree requirements.
1010 Elementary Spanish I Lectue and Laboratory /4 (3 cr hrs) Oral-aural mastery of basic grammar and vocabulary. Reading simple Spanish texts.
1020 Elementary Spanish II (3 cr hrs) Prerequisite: SPAN 1010 or consent of the department. Continuation of Spanish 1010.
1030 Elementary Spanish III Lecture and Laboratory /4 (3 cr hrs) Prerequisites: SPAN 1020 or consent of the department. Continuation of SPAN 1020.
Optional bridge course for students interested in continuing with Spanish at more
advanced levels and who are not able to satisfy intermediate level proficiency.
1100 Intensive Beginning Spanish /8 (6 cr hrs) Intensive oral-aural mastery of basic grammar and vocabulary. Reading simple Spanish
texts. Course covers one year of college Spanish. Credit may not also be given for
SPAN 1010, 1020, 1200, and 1210.
1120 Elementary Business Spanish I (3 cr hrs) Credit not given for SPAN 1120 and SPAN 1200.
1130 Elementary Business Spanish II (3 cr hrs) Prerequisite: SPAN 1120.
1200 Elementary Spanish for the Professions I /4 (3 cr hrs) Mastery of basic grammar and specific vocabulary for professions in the context of
specific professions: business, heath and social services, and police and criminal
justice. Course may be taken a maximum of three times if the topic is different: (e.g.,
Spanish for Business, Spanish for Healthcare and Social Services Professions, and
Spanish for Police and Criminal Justice.) Credit not given for SPAN 1120 and SPAN
1200 (Spanish for Business).
1210 Elementary Spanish for the Professions II /4 (3 cr hrs)
- Prerequisites: SPAN 1200.
Mastery of basic grammar and specific vocabulary for professions in the context of
specific professions: business, heath and social services, and police and criminal
justice. Course may be taken a maximum of three times if the topics are different:
(e.g., Spanish for Business, Spanish for Health Care and Social Services Professions,
and Spanish for Police and Criminal Justice). Credit not given for both SPAN 1130
and SPAN 1210 when the topic is business.
2010 Intermediate Spanish I Lecture and Laboratory /4 (3 cr hrs) Prerequisite: SPAN 1020 or consent of the department. Intensive oral drill and recitation
in Spanish grammar. Advanced practice in reading and writing.
2020 Intermediate Spanish II Lecture and Laboratory /4 (3 cr hrs) Prerequisite: SPAN2010 or consent of the department. Continuation of SPAN 2010. IAI
2030 Intermediate Spanish III Lecture and Laboratory /4 (3 cr hrs) Prerequisite: SPAN 2020 or consent of the department. Continuation of SPAN 2020. Optional
bridge course for students interested in continuing with Spanish at more advanced
levels and who are not able to satisfy intermediate level proficiency.
2060 Conversatinal Spanish I /4 (3 cr hrs) Prerequisite: SPAN 1020 or consent of the department. Development of spoken Spanish
for general purposes. Cannot be taken by fluent speakers of Spanish. Additional course
2070 Conversational Spanish II (3 cr hrs) Prerequisite: SPAN 2060 and consent of the department. Further development of spoken
Spanish for general purposes. Cannot be taken by fluent speakers of Spanish. Additional
course fee
2200 Spanish for Careers: Variable Topics (3 cr hrs) Prerequisite: Three credit hours of Spanish and consent of the department. Skills
in the Spanish language for specific careers such as business, health services, and
social services.
2610 Fielfwork in Spanish (3 cr hrs) Prerequisite: SPAN 2020 or consent of the department. Application of Spanish in areas
of community and educational concerns and in local business and industry. Specific
vocabulary, conversation and comprehension exercises. Workshop. May be repeated for
maximum of 6 credit hours.
3010 Advanced Spanish I Lecture and Laboratory /4 (3 cr hrs) Prerequisite: SPAN 2020 or consent of the department. Continued study of grammar through
proper idiomatic usage. Writing emphasis course.
3020 Advanced Spanish II Lecture and Laboratory /4 (3 cr hrs) Prerequisite: SPAN 3010 or consent of the department. Continuation of SPAN 3010. (A
writing emphasis course.)
3100 Introduction to the Art of Traanslation (3 cr hrs) Prerequisite: SPAN 2020 and consent of the department. Techniques of translation and
their practical application. Credit not given for both FL&L 3100 and SPAN 3100.
3110 Spanish for Native Speakers I (3 cr hrs) Prerequisite: Consent of the department. An accelerated review of language skills
for native and near-native speakers of Spanish.
3120 Spanish for Native Speakers II (3 cr hrs) Prerequisite: SPAN 3110 or consent of the department. Continuation of SPAN 3110.
3130 Culture of Spain (3 credit hours) Prerequisite: SPAN 2020 or consent of the department. Study of Spain's culture, traditions,
and customs as revealed in readings, art and music. (A writing emphasis course.)
3140 Culture of Latin America (3 cr hrs) Prerequisite: SPAN 2020 or consent of the department. Study of Latin American culture
and customs as revealed in readings, art and music. (A writing emphasis course.) IAI:
HF 904N.
3150 Spanish Composition I (3 cr hrs) Prerequisite: SPAN 2020 or consent of the department. Original compositions in Spanish.
Translations from English to Spanish. Advanced practice in Spanish conversation
3160 Spanish Composition II (3 cr hrs) Prerequisite: SPAN 2020 or consent of the department. Original compositions in Spanish.
Translations from English to Spanish.
3190 Afro-Hispanic Culture and Language (3 cr hrs) Prerequisite: SPAN 2020 or consent of the department. Afro-Hispanic culture and language
as revealed in customs, history, speech, art, music and religion. (An enrichment core
course.) (Satisfies the elective course requirements for the African American Studies
major or minor.) IAI: HF 904N.
3200 Spanish for community and Social Service Professionals I (3 cr hrs)
Prerequisite: SPAN 2020 or consent of the department. Study of specialized vocabulary
and structures of the language needed to deal with the Hispanic population in a variety
of community and social agencies.
3205 Spanish for Community and Social Service Professionals II (3 cr hrs) Prerequisite: SPAN 2020 or consent of the department. Study of specialized vocabulary
and structures of the language needed to deal with the Hispanic population in a variety
of community and social agencies.
3210 Introduction to Spanish Literary Criticism Field (3 cr hrs) Prerequisite: SPAN 2020 or consent of the department. Literary analysis of Spanish
texts, using different critical approaches. Frequent written reports.
3220 Survey of Spanish Literature I (3 cr hrs) Prerequisite: SPAN 2020 or consent of the department. Selected masterpieces of Spanish
literature from its origins to 1699.
3230 Survey of Spanish Literature II (3 cr hrs) Prerequisite: SPAN 2020 or consent of the department. Selected masterpieces of Spanish
literature from 1700.
3300 The Language of Hispanics in the United States (3 cr hrs) Prerequisite: SPAN 2020 or consent of the department. The course examines the linguistic
features that are unique to the various Hispanic groups in the United States, as well
as their cultural heritage.
3500 Survey of Spanish American Literature I (3 cr hrs) Prerequisite: SPAN 2020 or consent of the department. Selected masterpieces of Spanish
American literature from the time of the conquest to modernism.
3510 Survey of Spanish American Literature II (3 cr hrs) Prerequisite: 2020 or consent of the department. Selected masterpieces of Spanish
American literature from postmodernism to the present.
3660 Afro-Hispanic Literature (3 cr hrs) Prerequisite: SPAN 2020 or consent of the department. Study of the outstanding Black
writers of Peru, Ecuador, and the Caribbean Circle. (Satisfies the elective course
requirements for the African American Studies major or minor.)
3990 Independent Study (3 cr hrs) Prerequisite: Consent of the department and of faculty members who will supervise
the research. Individual research in a specific area suited to the student's needs. Weekly conference
with faculty advisor and summary paper required.
4140 Topics in Spanis/Spanish American Literature Culture/Methodology/Linguistics
(3 cr hrs) Prerequisite: SPAN 3020 or consent of the instructor. Specific topics dealing with
literature, culture, language, or foreign language methodology. May be repeated for
a total of six credit hours.
4150 MEXICAN LITERATURE (3 cr hrs) Prerequisite: SPAN 3010 or consent of the department. Selected masterpieces of Mexican
literature with emphasis on works from the twentieth century.
4170 Intoduction to Spanish Phonetics and Linguistics (3 cr hrs) Prerequisite: SPAN 3010 or SPAN 3020 or consent of the department. Study of the Spanish
sound system and analysis of the syntactic, morphological and semantic system of Spanish.
Contrast between English and Spanish sounds and between English and Spanish grammatical
4270 Hispanic Media (3 cr hrs) Prerequisite: SPAN 2020 or consent of the Spanish and/or CMAT advisors. Examination
of the Hispanic media industry and important issues confronting Hispanic media producers.
(CMAT 4327 is identical to SPAN 4270, and credit will not be given for both.)
4300 Hispanic Literature of the United States (3 cr hrs) Prerequisite: SPAN 3020 or consent of the department. Study of writings by United
States Hispanic authors. Topics may vary to emphasize specific genres and/or nationalities
and/or themes. May be repeated three times under different topics for a total of 9
credit hours.
4310 Spanish for Business II: Translation (3 cr hrs) rerequisite: SPAN 3020 or consent of the department. The study of business vocabulary
and concepts is continued with an emphasis on translating business letters and documents.
4330 Spanish for Business I (3 cr hrs) Prerequisite: SPAN 3020 or consent of the department. Study of specific vocabulary,
idiomatic expressions, and concepts used in international business. Areas of interest
include import/export, international banking, and marketing.
4410 Medieval Spanish Literature to 1500 (3 cr hrs) Prerequisites: SPAN 3010 or 3020 or the consent of the department. Spanish literature from its beginnings to the Renaissance. Oral and written reports.
4420 Spanish Literature of the Golden Age: 16th and 17th Centuries (3 cr hrs) Prerequisite: SPAN 3010 or 3020 or the consent of the department. Spanish poetry and
prose, and/or drama from the Renaissance to the Baroque. Oral and written reports.
4430 Spanish Literatures of the 18th and 19th Centuries (3 cr hrs) Prerequisite: SPAN 3010 or 3020 or the consent of the department. Spanish poetry,
prose, and/or drama from the Enlightenment to the Generation of 1898. Oral and written
4440 Spanish Literature of the 20th Century to the Present (3 cr hrs) Prerequisite: SPAN 3010 or 3020 or the consent of the department. Spanish poetry,
prose, and/or drama since the Generation of 1898. Oral and written reports.
4450 Spanish Film (3 cr hrs) Prerequisites: SPAN 3010 OR 3020 or the consent of the department. Survey of major
Peninsular films. Discussion of theory and themes with screenings of representative
works. Oral and written reports.
4610 Pre - Columbian and Colnial Literature (3 cr hrs) Prerequisite: SPAN 3010 or 3020 or the consent of the department. Latin American literature
and culture from its beginnings through the Colonial period. Oral and written reports.
4620 Latin American Literature : from the Independence through Modernism (3 cr hrs) Prerequisite: SPAN 3010 or 3020 or the consent of the department. Nineteenth century
Latin American literature and culture, including poetry, prose, and drama. Oral and
written reports.
4630 Latin American Literature: Modernism to the Boom (3 cr hrs) Prerequisites: SPAN 3010 OR 3020 or the consent of the department. Twentieth century
Latin American literature and culture including poetry, prose and drama. Oral and
written reports.
4640 Latin American Literature: Boom and Post Boom (3 cr hrs) Prerequisite: SPAN 3010 or 3020 or the consent of the department. Latin American Literature
and culture since 1961, including poetry, prose, and drama. Oral and written reports.
4650 Latin American Film (3 cr hrs) Prerequisite: SPAN 3010 or 3020 or the consent of the department. Survey of Latin
American films. Discussion on theory and themes with screenings of representative
works. Oral and written reports.
4990 Spanish Honors Seminar (3-6 cr hrs) Prerequisite: Prior admission to the department honors program. A program of study
and research during senior year with an individual faculty mentor (thesis advisor).
A thesis/project and public presentation are the expected culmination of the course.
4995 Spanish Senior Seminar (2 cr hrs) Prerequisite: Consent of the department. Writing of Spanish senior thesis in Spanish
with guidance of a faculty advisor. Oral presentation of thesis to a faculty panel
is required.