



CIMST offers a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics with two options:

  1. Mathematics
  2. Secondary Teaching

Within the Mathematics Option, a student may take an actuarial science concentration. The built-in flexibility of the Mathematics Option will prepare students for careers in banks, insurance, industry

government or to pursue advanced degrees in mathematics.

Completion of the Secondary Teaching Option in Mathematics qualifies students for an Illinois Professional Educator License (PEL) with an endorsement for teaching mathematics for grades 9–12 and a middle grade endorsement in mathematics for grades 6–8, provided the program is completed and the middle grade endorsement issued by January 31, 2018, when new middle grade endorsement rules will come into effect.

Licensure requires the successful completion of the Illinois Licensure Tests of Academic Proficiency (TAP) or equivalent, Mathematics content area, and Assessment of Professional Teaching (Secondary 6–12). The secondary teaching program meets Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) standards in mathematics education.

The department offers a minor sequence in mathematics. It will provide students majoring in other disciplines access to more potent professional tools and help them to gain a deeper understanding of their own fields.

All entering freshmen and transfer students who intend to major in a mathematics program are required to take the university placement examination in mathematics. These students may not register for any mathematics or computer science course until they have taken the examinations. These examinations are designed to place students into the appropriate mathematics course from Applied Intermediate Algebra to Calculus. Students may not use MATH 0880, 0900, 0950, 0980, 0990, 160 or 161 toward satisfying general education mathematics or university graduation requirements. Credit will not be given for any mathematics course that is a prerequisite for a course in which a grade of C or better hasalready been earned.




The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science offers a program of study that leads to a Master of Science degree in Mathematics. The program is especially designed to meet the needs of the busy professional. With evening courses, research seminars, and interdisciplinary studies in physical and life sciences, the program offers opportunities for enrichment and professional growth.

The department is especially proud of its record of providing access to students with strong academic potential. Students can learn in a supportive environment and engage in scholarly activities outside the classroom setting. They can participate in research seminars and colloquia or graduate students' seminars. Each year, the department offers a major lecture series in the spring semester. The program keeps abreast of the needs of potential employers with an advisory board consisting of representatives from industry, City Colleges of Chicago, and Chicago Board of Education.

A limited number of graduate assistantships are offered, subject to the availability of funds. Graduate assistants may teach under mentorship of a regular faculty member and attend case studies workshops on various teaching scenarios to gain teaching experience.

The Graduate Students' Handbook describes departmental policies in detail and has other useful information such as links to useful websites. Policies for graduate assistants are in the booklet Procedures for Graduate Assistants. Both publications are available from the department.



Staff & Faculty

Department Chairperson: Mohammad Salam

Undergraduate Program Advisor: Kapila Rohan Attele

Graduate Program Advisor: Kapila Rohan Attele

Faculty: Rohan Attele, Jan-Jo Chen, Johng-Chern Chern, Daniel J. Hrozencik, Elaina Khasawneh, Asmamaw Yimer.