
Reclassification Policies


A request to reclassify an existing position may originate with the employee. When changes occur in the duties and responsibilities of a position, the employee shall request in writing a desk audit to view the specifications of their current position.

Status of an Employee Whose Position is Reclassified

An employee whose position is reclassified may establish eligibility by meeting the minimum qualifications for the new class to which the position has been reclassified, and by passing an examination for the new class. The employee must complete a probationary period in the position in the new class.

Time Frame for Employee's Paying Status in New Class

An employee must pass the Civil Service examination for the reclassified position before being placed in the new position. There is no retro pay given during this time.

If the employee is on the register in the reclassified position, the new salary will be effective the pay period following the date that the examination has been identified as passed. There is no retro pay given during this time.

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