
Job Audits


Job audits are requested when the duties and responsibilities of a position change due to major additions of job duties or responsibilities. A job audit may be requested by the incumbent, the supervisor, or initiated by Human Resources

Steps in the process

  1. A request may be made to review the duties assigned to and performed by an employee AFTER the incumbent has been performing the duties for at least six (6) months.
  2. A job audit request form is submitted to the Office of Human Resources by the employee, supervisor, department head, or other designee. An updated job description (with percentage of  time assigned to duties) should be prepared and ready to be presented to HR upon request.
  3. A desk audit is scheduled and conducted by HR with the employee and/or supervisor. In the desk audit, the HR staff person will explain the job audit procedure and will be gathering information regarding the position duties for a job analysis. HR will ask for detailed explanations and examples, if applicable.
  4. HR will then conduct a job analysis, comparing this position with other similar positions on campus as well as the general labor market. It is important to remember that this process is relative and is based on job duties, the level of responsibility, and skill. A determination will be made as to which classification is most suitable for the position.
  5. The results of the desk audit will be shared with the supervisor first and then the employee, within 30 days after the audit is conducted. The findings could be that the position should be retained in its current class, reallocated to a different classification, or reclassified to a lower or higher level within the same promotional line. If the position is upgraded to one of a higher level, a 0-10% promotional increase may be applied.
  6. An employee has a right to appeal the job audit determination. If an employee doesn鈥檛 agree with the desk audit results, the employee may appeal the decision to the Director of Human Resources in writing within 20 working days.
  7. Civil Service employees have the right to a second appeal to the State Universities Civil Service System if a satisfactory determination is not reached at the campus level. The employee may appeal the decision in writing to the Executive Director, State Universities Civil Service System, 1717 Philo Road, Suite 24, Urbana, IL 61802.

Other important information

  • The audit is conducted based on the job duties and responsibilities and not how they are performed.
  • The type of work being done is the key, but not the volume of work.
  • Current job duties and expectations can be evaluated, but not anticipated future duties or temporary work.
  • The incumbent is not relevant. We are looking at the position itself and not who the employee is occupying it.
  • It is important to remember that Civil Service class specifications are general guidelines and that these specifications are used differently at each university in the system, where we each administer our own campus classification program.
  • The percentage of time identified on the position description is very important for an accurate analysis of the position. Please spend a little time preparing for the audit by providing correct percentage of time on each duty listed.

For additional questions or concerns, please contact the Office of Human Resources at (773) 995-2040 or HR@csu.edu