- ACCT 3319 Acct. for Nonprofit Org.
- ACCT 3214 Int. Acct. II
- ACCT 4394 Adv Fed Income Tax
- ANTH 1010 Intro Cultural Anth
- ANTH 2010 Global Cultures
- ART 1100 Int to Visual Arts
- ART 2101 Ancient through Medieval Art
- ART 2102 Renaissance to the 18th Century Art
- ART 2103 Modern Art
- ART 2110 Introduction to Non-Western Art
- ART 2150 Survey of Women Artists
- ART/MUS 2050 Intro to Sound Art
- BIL 4150 Foundations Literacy
- BIL 5150 Foundations Literacy
- BIOL 1070 Biological Science Survey I Lecture and Laboratory
- BIOL 1080 Biological Science Survey II Lecture and Laboratory
- BIOL 1130 Sci in Serv Society
- BIOL 1510 Biology Concepts
- BIOL 2059 Intro Microbiology
- BE 4302 Adv Word Processing
- BE 4307 Entrepnrshp For Tchr
- BE 4320 Consumer Education
- BE 4350 Office Mgmt
- BE 5302 Adv Word Processing
- BE 5307 Entrepnrshp For Tchr
- BE 5320 Consumer Education
- BE 5350 Office Mgmt
- CHEM 1600 Introduction to the Chemical Profession
Communications, Media Arts & Theater |
- CMAT 2460 Public Relations I
- CPTR 1060 Intro Prsnl Cptr I
- CPTR 4900 Special Topics in Computer Science
- COUN 5640 Counseling Theories and Ethics
- COUN 5720 Life Style and Careers Development
- COUN 5730 Tech Assess & Diagno
- COUN 5800 Research Statistics and Program Evaluation
- CJ 4389 Special Topics in CJ
- ECH 4009 Speech and Language Development in Early Childhood OLD
- ECH 4220 Administration and Supervision of Child Care Services OLD
- ECH 4310 Literature for Young Children OLD
- ECH 5009 Speech and Language Development in Early Childhood OLD
- ECH 5220 Administration and Supervision of Child Care Services OLD
- ECH 5250 Contemporary Influences in Early Childhood Education OLD
- ECH 5280 Seminar: A Multidisciplinary Approach in Early Childhood Education OLD
- ECH 5310 Literature for Young Children OLD
- ECH 5320 Curriculum for Preschool Primary Children OLD
- ECH 4403 Health, Safety and Nutrition for children Ages 0-8
- ECH 4406 Family, Community Relationships
- ECH 4408 Speech and Language Development in Early Childhood
- ECH 4410 Children鈥檚 Literature and Inform. Text Ages 0-8
- ECH 4412 Methods of Teaching Fine Arts PreK- Grade 2
- ECH 4413 Methods of Teaching Social Studies PreK- Grade 2
- ECH 4414 Methods of Teaching Science PreK- Grade 2
- ECH 5403 Health, Safety and Nutrition for Children Ages 0-8
- ECH 5406 Family Community Relationships
- ECH 5410 Children鈥檚 Literature and Inform. Text Ages 0-8
- ECH 5412 Methods of Teaching Fine Arts PreK- Grade 2
- ECH 5413 Methods of Teaching Social Studies PreK- Grade 2
- ECH 5414 Methods of Teaching Science PreK- Grade 2
- ECH 5440 Development in Infancy
Early Childhood Special Education |
- ECSE 4150 Family, Schools and Communities in Early Childhood Special Education OLD
- ECSE 4309 Atypical and Typical Language Development in Young Children OLD
- ECSE 4319 Early Childhood Special Education Methods OLD
- ECSE 4509 Atypical and Typical Language Development in Young Children OLD
- ECSE 4850 Early Childhood Screening and Assessment OLD
- ECSE 5150 Family, Schools and Communities in Early Childhood Special Education OLD
- ECSE 5309 Atypical and Typical Language Development in Young Children OLD
- ECSE 5319 Early Childhood Special Education Methods OLD
- ECSE 5850 Early Childhood Screening and Assessment OLD
- ECSE 4407 Child, Family, Community in ECSE
- ECSE 4409 Speech, Language Development in ECSE
- ECSE 4417 Screening, Assessment in ECSE
- ECSE 4418 ECSE Methods
- ECSE 5407 Child, Family, Community in ECSE
- ECSE 5409 Speech, Language Development in ECSE
- ECSE 5417 Screening, Assessment in ECSE
- ECSE 5418 ECSE Methods
- ECSE 5462 Field Practicum
- ECON 1000 Issues in Amer Econy
- ECON 1010 Prin Econ I: Macroeco
- ECON 1040 Econ Personal Finan
- ECON 2010 Money and Banking
- ECON 2030 Compar Econ Systems
- ECON 2050 Hist of Econ Though
- ECON 2140 Consumer Economics
- ED 0910 Lang Usage For Tchrs
- ED 0930 Basic Math For Tchrs
- ED 0940 Basic Grammar/Tchrs
- ED 1500 COE Seminar
- ED 1520 Intro to Teaching
- ED 1520 Intro to Teaching
- ED 2000 Hist/Phil Am Pub Ed
- ED 4100 Assmt Eval Classrm
- ED 4312 Teaching with Technology
- ED 4440 Phil/Curr/Inst MIDS
- ED 4610 Ed Issues Blck Comm
- ED 4988 Prof Portf Eff Pract
- ED 5000 Philosophy of Eductn
- ED 5100 Assmt Eval Classrm
- ED 5304 Reflectv Assmnt Tchg
- ED 5312 Teaching with Technology
- ED 5400 Urban Teacher
- ED 5440 Phil/Curr/Inst MIDS
- ED 5450 Adv Methods: Hist
- ED 5490 Rsch in Secondary Ed
- ED 5610 Ed Issues Blck Comm
- ED 5650 Sem in Urban Educ
- ED 5960 Fundmntl Ed Research
- ED 5988 Prof Portf Eff Pract
Educational Leadership, Curriculum and Foundation |
- ELCF 5010 Curriculum Development and Learning Theory
- ELCF 5130 Human Relations and Leadership
- ELCF 5150 Leadership for a Safe, Productive School Climate
- ELCF 5235 Administration and Supervision of Exceptional and General Education Programs
- ELCF 5320 Curriculum Design and Development for School and Non School Settings
- ELCF 5335 Sch Law Gen & Excp Ed
- ELCF 5380 Collective Negotiations
- ELCF 5390 Methods and Techniques for Teaching in Non-School Settings
- ELCF 5400 Higher Education Administrative Law
- ELCF 5410 Proposal Development Government and Private Funding
- ELCF 5540 Phil/Curr/Inst MIDS
- ELCF 5600 Seminar in Financing and Budgeting of Higher Education
- ELCF 5620 Social and Cultural Foundations of Education
- ELCF 5640 Seminar in Organizational Dynamics
- ELCF 5725 Tech Eff Tch Admist
- ELCF 5726 Advanced Concepts in Teacher Leadership/Professional Development
- ELCF 5920 Organization and Governance of Higher Education
- ELCF 5930 Higher Education Administration and Evaluation
- ELCF 5985 Leadership for Safe, Productive School Climates
- ELCF 5996 Critical Issues in Urban Education
- ELCF 5997 Policy Studies in Urban Education
- ELCF 5998 Social Justice Issues in Urban Education
- ELED 5521 Research Mid Schls
- ENG 1092 Il Eng Tch Cert Rev
- ENG 1260 Intro to Literature
- ENG 1280 Composition II
- ENG 1360 Essent Eng Grammar
- ENG 2280 Critical Strategies
- ENG 2790 Business Writing
- ENG 2800 Write Resrch Papers
- ENG 4360 Teaching Literature
- ENG 5360 Teaching Literature
- FIN 3640 Intro Fin Derivtves
- FIN 3650 Intl Finance
- FIN 3690 Adv Corp Finance
- FIN 4990 Ind Stdy&Sp/Prob
Foreign Languages & Literatures |
- FL&L 4000 Topics FL Meth (K-8)
- FL&L 5000 Topics FL Meth (K-8)
- FREN 1010 Elementary French I
- FREN 1020 Elementary French II
- GEOG 1000 Society/Environment
- GEOG 1200 Geographer鈥檚 Toolkit
- GEOG 1400 Intro Physical Geog
- GEOG 2400 Teaching Phys Geog
- GEOG 2410 Fundamentals Weather
- GEOG 4250 Geog of Food & Hunger
- GEOG 4270 Geog of Population
- GEOG 4800 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
- GEOG 4830 Adv Geog Info Systm
- GEOG 5250 Geog of Food & Hunger
- GEOG 5270 Geog of Population
- GEOG 5800 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
- GEOG 5830 Adv Geog Info Systm
- GEOG 5842 GIS Programming
Health Information Administration |
- HIA 1000 Intro Cptr for HIA
- HIA 4500 Hlth Care Qulty Mgmt
- H S 4050 Contemp Is Hlth Ed
- H S 4810 Driver Task Analysis
- H S 4820 Teach Mthd Dr Ed Cls
- H S 4830 Lab Instr Emer Dr Sk
- H S 5050 Contemp Is Hlth Ed
- H S 5810 Driver Task Analysis
- H S 5820 Teach Mthd Dr Ed Cls
- H S 5830 Lab Instr Emer Dr Sk
- H SC 3329 Intro to Biostatistics
- H SC 4423 Intro Environmental Health
- HIST 1200 West & World to 1715
- HIST 1210 West & Wrld Since 1715
- HIST 2720 AFAM Hist to 1865
- HIST 1310 US Hist Since 1877
- HIST 4363 Meth Tch Soc St Sec
- IT 3220 Computer System Tech
- IT 5220 Computer System Tech
- INSY 1360 Int Computer Inf Sys
- INSY 1370 Microcptr Applic Bus
- INSY 3200 Business Problem Solving
- INSY 3220 Computer System Tech
- INSY 3250 Business Website Development
- INSY 3270 Mgmt Info Systems
- INSY 3280 Database Technologies
- INSY 4200 Project Management Principles and Practices
- INSY 4300 Sys Analysis & Design
- INSY 4470 Client/Server Development
- INSY 4480 Ethics in Information Technology
- INSY 4900 Special Tpcs in INSY
- INSY 5220 Computer System Tech
- INSY 5300 System Analysis and Design
- LBST 3000 LBST Foundations
- LBST 4900 Liberal Studies Sem
Library Information Sciences |
- LIS 1100 Literacy and learning in the 21st Century
- LIS 4020 Multicultural Materials
- LIS 4030 Library Materials and Reading Guidance for Elementary and Secondary Teachers
- LIS 5050 Foundations of the Information Professions
- LIS 5060 Organization of Information
- LIS 5070 Introduction Reference Services
- LIS 5080 Information Technology for Library and Information Agencies
- LIS 5090 Research Methods Library and Information Science
- LIS 5095 Library Literature and Research
- LIS 5110 Communications and Media Centers
- LIS 5120 Administration of Media Centers
- LIS 5130 Curriculum and the Media Center
- LIS 5170 Methods of Instruction for School Librarians
- LIS 5185 Library Information Specialist Certification Review
- LIS 5190 Student Teaching and Seminar
- LIS 5200 Archives and Records Administration
- LIS 5210 Arrangement and Description in Archives
- LIS 5220 Electronic Records Management
- LIS 5240 Curatorship of Historical Collections
- LIS 5250 Biblio-Forensics
- LIS 5270 History of Archives, Libraries and Museums
- LIS 5300 Academic Library
- LIS 5350 Public Library
- LIS 5390 Management and Organization
- LIS 5500 Information Storage and Retrieval
- LIS 5510 Database Design for Information Storage and Retrieval
- LIS 5520 Cataloging and Classification
- LIS 5530 Metadata and Cataloging
- LIS 5540 Collection Development
- LIS 5560 Library Automation
- LIS 5570 Digitization and Digital Repositories
- LIS 5580 Measurement and Evaluation for Library and Information
- LIS 5600 Reference Sources and Methods
- LIS 5610 Library in Society
- LIS 5670 Information Literacy Instruction
- LIS 5700 History of Literature for Children and Young Adults
- LIS 5710 Literature and Information Services for Young Adults
- LIS 5720 Literature and Related Media for Children and Young Adults
- LIS 5750 Seminar in Multicultural Materials
- LIS 5770 Storytelling and Folk Literature
- LIS 5900 Seminar in Trends and Problems in Librarianship
- LIS 5910 Seminar in International and Comparative Librarianship
- LIS 5920 Survey of Technology for Libraries
- LIS 5950 Independent Study
- LIS 5980 Seminar in Research
- LIS 5990 MSLS Capstone Class
- MATH 5220 Modern Algebra I
- NURS 0930 Bridge III
- NURS 0940 Bridge IV
- O T 5231 Research Project I
- PE 2380 Lifetime Sports
- PE 5000 Rsrch Meth PE/Sprt
- PE 5050 Sociol of Sport
- PE 5160 PE Curriculum
- PE 5230 Resrch Stats/Rept PE
- PE 5406 Analysis Teach PE
- PH S 1080 Crit Think Technlogy
- PH S 1850 Global Climate Change
- PHYS 1600 Introduction to the Physics Profession
- POL1010 Amer Natl Government
- POL 2070 Legislative Process
- POL 2210 Public Administration Principles
- PSYC 1100 Intro To Psyc
- PSYC 1130 Sci in Serv Society
- PSYC 2000 Life Sppan Devlpmnt
- PSYC 2100 Social Psychology
- PSYC 2155 Abnormal Psychology
- PSYC 4100 Sen Thesis Exp Psyc
- PSYC 4101 Senior Thesis Psychology
- PSYC 4120 Behavior Resrch Meth
- PSYC 4202 Chem Dep Counseling
- PSYC 4204 AODA Internship
- PSYC 4300 Psychopharmacology
- PSYC 4302 Domestic Violence
- PSYC 4306 Diag. and Treatment of Co-occurring Disorders
- PSYC 4308 Addictions Intern. II: Ethics and Prof. Issues in Addictions Counseling
- PSYC 4307 Addictions Intern. I: Addictions Counseling
- PSYC 5202 Chem Dep Counselling
- PSYC 5204 AODA Internship
- PSYC 5302 Domestic Violence
- PSYC 5306 Diag. and Treatment of Co-occurring Disorders
- PSYC 5307 Addictions Intern. I: Addictions Counseling
- PSYC 5308 Addictions Intern. II: Ethics and Prof. Issues in Addictions Counseling
- PSYC 5730 Teach Assess & Diagno
- PUBH 5128 Health Program, Design, Planning, and Evaluation
Quantitative Business Analysis |
- QBA 2000 Business Statistics
- QBA 2010 Business Statistics II
- QBA 3500 Quantitative Business Apps
- READ 3700 Found Read Instrctn
- READ 4100 Content Read Mid Sch
- READ 4150 Tdn Tch Rdg Dvrs Pop
- READ 4160 Read Asmnt Clsrm Tch
- READ 4170 Clncl Prac Rdg Instr
- READ 4180 Materials in Read
- READ 5100 Content Read Mid Sch
- READ 5150 Tdn Tch Rdg Dvrs Pop
- READ 5160 Read Asmnt Clsrm Tch
- READ 5170 Clncl Prac Rdg Instr
- READ 5200 Lang Lit Urban Setng
- READ 5230 Pract Emergnt Litrcy
- READ 5240 Best Prac Cont Rdg
- READ 5250 Clincl I: Assemnt R D
- READ 5260 Clincl II: Rem Stratgy
- READ 5270 Curr & Supv in Rdg
- READ 5530 Theors & Found Rdg Instr
- REC 1000 Intro Leisure Services
- REC 2050 Exploring Leisure Altrntvs
- REC 3270 Leisure and Youth at Risk
- REC 3310 Pr/Cl Prac Therp Rec
- REC 3410 Thrptc Rec & Inclusn
- REC 4100 Commercial Recreatn
- REC 4320 Prg Dsg/Eval Thp Rec
- REC 4430 Adm Theraptc Rec Srv
- REC 5280 Educ for Leisure
- REC 5310 Pr/Cl Prac Therp Rec
- REC 5320 Prg Dsg/Eval Thp Rec
- REC 5430 Adm Theraptc Rec Srv
- SOC 1010 Intro to Sociology
- SOC 1250 Diversity US Soc
- SOC 2300 The Family
- SOC 2400 Comm Org/Comm Probs
- SOC 2450 Identity & Community
- SOC 3230 Women/Social Action
- SOC 3290 Latinas/os Contem Soc
- SOC 3430 Dealing with Diversity
- SOC 4810 Social Research Meth
- SOC 4980 Senior Seminar
- SPAN 1010 Elem Spanish I
- SPAN 1020 Elem Spanish II
- SPAN 1210 Intermed Spanish I
- SPAN 2010 Intermediate Spanish I
- SPAN 2020 Intermediate Spanish II
- S ED 4301 Char Except Children
- S ED 4303 Students w/Excp Nds
- S ED 5301 Char Except Children
- S ED 5476 Char: Beh/Lrn/Cog Dis
- SED 5477 Characteristics & Instruct Adapt
- SED 5481 Adaptation skills for Learners with Special Needs
- S ED 5482 Curricular Adaptations for Learners with Special Needs
- SED 5484 Chacteristics & Instruct Adapt
- S ED 5487 Assessment and Measurement of Learners with Special Needs
- S ED 5494 Special Education Law, Collaborative, and Professional Conduct
- T&ED 1109 Beg Keyboarding
- T&ED 4346 Presentations
- T&ED 4385 Superv Indust Safety
- T&ED 4392 Design Tech Instruct
- T&ED 4452 Plan/Finance Tech
- T&ED 5346 Presentations
- T&ED 5385 Superv Indust Safety
- T&ED 5452 Plan/Finance Tech
- T&ED 5490 Research Study Oc Ed
Technology and Performance Improvement Studies |
- TPS 3500 Computer System Technologies
- TPS 4010 Ethics and Issues with Technology
- TPS 4210 eLearning Strategies and Techniques
- TPS 4300 Fundamentals of Instructional Design
- TPS 4510 Network Configuration I
- TPS 4530 Network Practicum I
- TPS 4540 Network Practicum II
- TPS 4550 Network Administration Technologies
- TPS 4610 Wireless Networks Security and Design
- TPS 4620 Cloud Computing
- TPS 5010 Ethics and Issues with Technology
- TPS 5050 Professional Practice and Portfolio I
- TPS 5060 Fundamentals of Performance Improvement
- TPS 5070 Informatics Essentials
- TPS 5080 Quality Systems and Methods
- TPS 5090 Research Methods for Technology and Performance Improvement
- TPS 5210 eLearning Strategies
- TPS 5220 Internet Publishing for Information Specialists
- TPS 5230 Multimedia Production
- TPS 5300 Fundamentals of Instructional Design
- TPS 5310 Development of Instructional Materials
- TPS 5500 Computer Systems Technologies
- TPS 5510 Network Configuration I
- TPS 5530 Network Practicum I
- TPS 5540 Network Practicum II
- TPS 5550 Network Administration Technologies
- TPS 5610 Wireless Networks Security and Design
- TPS 5620 Cloud Computing
- TPS 5630 Database Systems and Technologies
- TPS 5920 Survey Research Methods
- TPS 5960 Special Topics
- TPS 5970 Independent Study
- TPS 5980 Thesis / Project Seminar
- TPS 5990 Professional Practice and Portfolio I
* Courses are added to the list as soon as they receive approval by DEC committee.
Pending courses await approval by Provost/Academic Affairs.