
Course Fees


Below is the course fee list for 海角社区, effective 2024-25. The list is designed to help you understand what course fees may apply, should you enroll in any for a given term.

Note: this is a comprehensive list of all course fees, however, not all courses below are offered each term. Please check the  for what鈥檚 offered this semester!

Subject Course Course Title Amount
ACCT 2110 Intro Financial Acct $10
AF L 1010 Af Language/Cultre I $20
AF L 1020 Af Language/Cultre II $20
ANTH 2210 Physical Anthro $5
ARAB 1010 Elementary Arabic I $30
ARAB 1020 Elementary Arabic II $30
ARAB 1030 Elementary Arabic III $20
ARAB 2010 Intermediate Arabic I $20
ARAB 2020 Intermeidate Arabic II $20
Subject Course Course Title Amount
ART 1100 Int to Visual Arts $15
ART 1200 Drawing I $60
ART 1280 2-D Design $60
ART 1290 3D Design $70
ART 2040 Hip Hop Aesthetics $15
ART 2050 Intro Sound Art $60
ART 2101 Anc Thru Med Art $15
ART 2102 Ren-Baroque Art $15
ART 2103 Modern Art $15
ART 2105 African Art $15
ART 2110 Intro Non-Western Art $15
ART 2120 Hist Photography $15
ART 2122 Photo & Diversity $15
ART 2130 Theory of Film $15
ART 2140 Chicago Art Scene $15
ART 2150 Survey Women Artists $15
ART 2200 Drawing II $70
ART 2210 Figure Drawing $80
ART 2260 Printmaking $85
ART 2310 Documentary Photo $80
ART 2350 Color Photo I $80
ART 2360 Digital Photo I $80
ART 2401 Sculpture I $80
ART 2455 Jewelry/Metals I $70
ART 2500 Fiber Arts I $60
ART 2540 Weaving I $60
ART 2570 Ceramics I $85
ART 2600 Art Pre K-8 Teachers $60
ART 2710 Design Digital Tools $80
ART 2714 Typography I $80
ART 2730 Animation Game Dsg I $70
ART 3097 Independent Study $60
ART 3098 Independent Study $60
ART 3099 Independent Study $60
ART 3100 Intro Art Criticism $15
ART 3200 Drawing III $70
ART 3230 Painting II $70
ART 3245 Watercolor II $70
ART 3260 Printmaking II $85
ART 3310 Photography III $80
ART 3330 Photographic Lightng $80
ART 3340 BLK & WHT Photo I $80
ART 3350 Color Photo II $80
ART 3360 Digital Photo II $80
ART 3401 Sculpture II $80
ART 3405 Sculpture III $80
ART 3410 S P Topics in Sculpture $80
ART 3455 Jewelry/Metals II $70
ART 3465 Jewelry/Metals III $70
ART 3500 Fiber Arts II $70
ART 3540 Weaving II $60
ART 3570 Ceramics II $85
ART 3575 Ceramics III $85
ART 3715 3-D Digital Modeling $80
ART 3722 Design for Communication $80
ART 3724 Design in Community $80
ART 3726 Dsgn Interact Media $80
ART 3730 Design for WEB I $80
ART 3960 Spec Topics Art/Dsgn $60
ART 4000 Contemp Art Practice $60
ART 4098 Adv Independent Study $60
ART 4099 Adv Independent Stdy $60
ART 4110 Protest Art $15
ART 4120 African-American Art $15
ART 4230 Painting III $70
ART 4340 BLK & WHT Photo II $85
ART 4350 Color Photo III $80
ART 4360 Digital Photo III $80
ART 4400 Sculpture IV $80
ART 4575 Ceramics IV $85
ART 4662 Foundation Art Ed $60
ART 4664 Teaching Art K-12 $60
ART 4950 Portfolio Prep $70
ART 5099 Adv Ind Study $60
ART 5950 Portfolio Prep $50
Subject Course Course Title Amount
BIOL 1070 Bi Sci Survey I $20
BIOL 1080 Bi Sci Survey II $25
BIOL 1130 Sci in Serv Society $15
BIOL 1300 Urban Environ Sci $20
BIOL 1510 Concepts Biology $25
BIOL 1701 Intro to Biology I $50
BIOL 1720 Intro Horticulture $35
BIOL 2020 Anat & Phys I $25
BIOL 2021 Anatomy/Physiolgy II $25
BIOL 2059 Intro Microbiology $25
BIOL 2250 Urban Agriculture Food $10
BIOL 3040 Genetics $30
BIOL 3051 Cell Biology Lecture / Lab $40
BIOL 3072 Ecology $40
BIOL 3690 Microbiology $40
BIOL 4015 Biometrics $35
BIOL 4040 Genomics & Evolution $20
BIOL 4170 Immunology $50
BIOL 4280 Microbial Genetics $50
BIOL 4450 Electron Microscopy $80
BIOL 4720 Inq Instr Act Biol $20
BIOL 4725 PCK Biology $24
BIOL 4801 Capstone for Biology $50
BIOL 4900 Recombinant DNA Lab $55
BIOL 4935 Biotechnology I $40
BIOL 5015 Biometrics $35
BIOL 5040 Genomics & Evolution $20
BIOL 5070 Envrnmtl Impct Anlys $20
BIOL 5170 Immunology $50
BIOL 5190 Appld/Envrn Microbio $30
BIOL 5250 Virology $55
BIOL 5280 Microbial Genetics $50
BIOL 5450 Electron Microscopy $80
BIOL 5520 Cell Biology Lab $55
BIOL 5720 Inq Instr Act Biol $20
BIOL 5725 PCK Biology $24
BIOL 5900 Recombinant DNA Lab $55
BIOL 5935 Biotechnology I $40
BOT 1720 Intro Horticulture $35
BOT 2050 Biol of Plants $40
Subject Course Course Title Amount
CHEM 1050 Intro Gen & Org Chem $20
CHEM 2510 Organic Chem II $20
CHEM 2650 Analytical Chem I $20
CHEM 4210 Micro Phys Chem Lab $20
CHEM 4300 Adv Organic Synth $20
CHEM 4304 Biochem I Laboratory $20
CHEM 4305 Biochemistry I Hon $20
CHEM 4315 Adv Organic Synth Hon $20
CHEM 4375 Analytical Chem II Hon $20
CHEM 4720 Inq Instr Act Chem $20
CHEM 4730 PCK in Science Chem $20
CHEM 5302 Biochemistry I Lec/Lab $20
CHEM 5365 Bio Analytical Chem $20
CHEM 5720 Inq Instr Act Chem $20
CHEM 5730 PCK in Science Chem $20
CHIN 1010 Elem Chinese I $30
CHIN 1020 Elem Chinese II $30
CHIN 2010 Intermediate Chinese I $30
CHIN 2020 Intermediate Chinese II $30
CHIN 4010 Chin Conv & Comp $20
CHIN 4020 Chin for the Prof $20
CHIN 5010 Chin Conv & Comp $20
CHIN 5020 Chin for the Prof $20
CJ 1800 Forensic Chemistry $20
Subject Course Course Title Amount
CMAT 2070 TV Studio Production $40
CMAT 2110 Prin of Announcing $40
CMAT 2120 Radio Production $25
CMAT 2200 Intro Multimedia Production $25
CMAT 2300 Theatre Management $15
CMAT 2310 African Amer Cinema $15
CMAT 2320 Fund Makeup Design $50
CMAT 2340 Costume Design I $50
CMAT 2520 Intro Video Field Production $15
CMAT 2530 Digital Adv Fld Prod $40
CMAT 2550 Acting $15
CMAT 2560 Acting II $15
CMAT 2650 Digital Filmmaking $25
CMAT 3010 Acting III $15
CMAT 3040 ADV Light Design $35
CMAT 3050 Digital Film Direct $35
CMAT 3061 Documentary Prod II $35
CMAT 3071 TV Studio Directing $40
CMAT 3080 Practicum in Media $25
CMAT 3090 Practicum in Theatre $25
CMAT 3600 Adv Production Seminar $25
CMAT 3630 Design for TV $35
CMAT 3660 Adv Multi Camera Prod $15
CMAT 4020 ADV Videography $35
CMAT 4110 Announcing II $35
CMAT 4302 On-Camera Performance $25
CMAT 4306 Practicum in Broadcasting $40
CMAT 4330 Broadcast Test Equip $50
CMAT 4332 Adv Makeup Design $50
CMAT 4334 Costume Design II $50
CMAT 4342 Sports Broadcast II $40
CMAT 4350 Theater Workshop $25
CMAT 4365 Advanced Project $15
CMAT 4367 Adv Audio Production $40
CMAT 4373 Adv Scriptwriting $15
CMAT 4397 Senior Thesis Prac $35
CMAT 5302 On-Camera Performance $25
CMAT 5306 Practicum in Broadcasting $40
CMAT 5324 Writing the Screenplay $15
CMAT 5350 Theatre Workshop $15
CMAT 5352 Digtal Adv Fld Prod $15
CMAT 5365 Advanced Project $15
CMAT 5367 Adv Audio Production $15
CMAT 5373 Adv Scriptwriting $15
Subject Course Course Title Amount
COUN 5650 Microcounseling $25
COUN 5670 Prin/Tech Group Cnsl $25
COUN 5730 Tech Assess & Diagno $25
COUN 5735 Personality/Apprais $15
COUN 5790 PrePrctm Cnslg Lab $25
COUN 5860 Counslng Child/Adolc $20
COUN 5950 Prac Counseling II $25
COUN 5990 Intrnshp School Counseling $25
COUN 5991 Internship Community $25
Subject Course Course Title Amount
CPTR 1050 Int Data Process $25
CPTR 1060 Intro Persnl Cptr I $25
CPTR 1065 Intro Pers Cptr Mac $25
CPTR 1070 Intro Webpage/DB App $35
CPTR 1080 Intro HTML / XHTML $35
CPTR 1090 Algorith Dev $35
CPTR 1100 Intro C++ Program $35
CPTR 1120 Intro Web Script Prog $35
CPTR 1150 Intro Visual Basic $25
CPTR 1405 Concepts Cptr Tech $20
CPTR 1605 DBS Software App $20
CPTR 1705 Infor Security $20
CPTR 2100 Adv C++ Programming $35
CPTR 2120 Intro to Multimedia $25
CPTR 2150 Bus Applictn Prgrmng $25
CPTR 2400 Assembly Lang Progrm $25
CPTR 3100 Data Structures $35
CPTR 3330 Numerical Methods $25
CPTR 3350 Computer Graphics $35
CPTR 3500 Int Operating Sys $25
CPTR 3640 Data Base Prog Web $35
CPTR 3700 Commun/Cptr Ntwrks I $25
CPTR 4200 Cptr Algorithms $25
CPTR 4210 Thry of Computation $25
CPTR 4220 Prgrmmng Languages $25
CPTR 4310 Pattern Recognition $25
CPTR 4320 Intro Artifcl Intelg $25
CPTR 4340 Modeling/Simulation $25
CPTR 4400 Computr Organization $35
CPTR 4600 Intro Database Systm $30
CPTR 4620 Relat Database/Mgmt $30
CPTR 4700 Commun/Cptr Ntwks II $25
CPTR 4710 Network Security $25
CPTR 4720 Network Admnstratn $25
CPTR 4730 TCP/IP Netwrk/Applcn $25
CPTR 4740 Prin of Wireless Com $35
CPTR 4750 Sys Adm Web DB Ser $35
CPTR 4800 Software Engineering $25
CPTR 4820 Sys Anlysis & Dsgn $25
CPTR 4900 Spec Tops Cptr Sci $25
CPTR 5200 Algorthm Thry & Anal $25
CPTR 5250 Autom Thry/Lang/Comp $25
CPTR 5360 Machine Learning $20
CPTR 5365 Deep Learning $20
CPTR 5400 Cptr System Archtect $25
CPTR 5510 Netwrk Op Sys Design $25
CPTR 5550 Adv Operatng Systems $25
CPTR 5600 Adv Dbase Dsgn/Implm $30
CPTR 5660 OBJ-Oriented DBases $30
CPTR 5666 Big Data Anal $20
CPTR 5670 Distr Database Systm $30
CPTR 5680 Data:Warehsng/Mining $25
CPTR 5730 Mobile Com Sec $25
CPTR 5750 Adv TCP/IP Net Arch $25
CPTR 5760 Adv Net Secrty/Prvcy $25
CPTR 5770 Cryptography I $35
CPTR 5772 Info Security Tech $35
CPTR 5800 Adv Software Engrng $25
CPTR 5850 Software Projct Mgmt $25
CPTR 5860 Softwre:Mesrmnt/Rely $25
CPTR 5950 Graduate Seminar $25
CPTR 5990 Grad Cptr Sci Experc $25
Subject Course Course Title Amount
ED 0910 LAng Usage For Tchrs $25
ED 0930 Basic Math For Tchrs $25
ED 0940 Basic Grammar/Tchrs $25
ED 1500 COE Seminar $25
ED 4312 Teaching with Technology $25
ED 5312 Teaching with Technology $25
ELCF 5420 Microcptr in Ed $10
ELCF 5460 Mic Comr App H Ed Mgt $10
ELCF 5710 Admin Use:Microcptrs $10
ENG 1220 Writ Eng Second Lang $17
ENG 1230 Writers' Workshop I $17
ENG 1240 Writers' Workshop II $17
ENG 2370 Desktop Pub:Beginner $17
ENGR 2430 Statics $20
ENGR 2500 Material Sci & Engr $15
ENGR 2550 Dynamics $20
Subject Course Course Title Amount
FL&L 3200 Span Interpretation $20
FL&L 5520 Stdy Abr Grad Prepn $20
FREN 1010 Elementary French I $30
FREN 1020 Elementary French II $30
FREN 1050 Elementary French III $20
FREN 1200 Elem Bus French I $30
FREN 1210 Elem Bus French II $30
FREN 2010 Intermed French I $30
FREN 2020 Intermed French II $30
FREN 2030 Intermediate French III $20
FREN 2210 Intro Fren Lit Critc $35
FREN 4301 French in North America $25
FREN 5301 French in North America $25
FRSE 1500 Spec Top: FRSE Portfolio $10
Subject Course Course Title Amount
GEOG 1100 Global Diversity $ 5
GEOG 1200 Geographer's Toolkit $ 5
GEOG 1400 Intro Physical Geog $15
GEOG 2250 Urban Agricultr Food $10
GEOG 2400 Teaching Phys Geog $20
GEOG 2410 Fundamentals Weather $15
GEOG 2440 Intermed Phys Geog $15
GEOG 2840 Intr Geospatial Tech $15
GEOG 3010 Geog US & Canada $10
GEOG 4250 Geog of Food & Hunger $15
GEOG 4460 Globalization Hazard $15
GEOG 4500 Urban Geography $10
GEOG 4540 Community Analysis $15
GEOG 4800 Intro Geog Info Sys $15
GEOG 4805 GIS for HS & CJ $20
GEOG 4810 Cartographic Design $15
GEOG 4820 Envir Remote Sensing $15
GEOG 4830 Adv Geog Info Systm $10
GEOG 4840 Adv Remote Sensing $20
GEOG 4841 GIS Databases $20
GEOG 4842 GIS Progr Web Maping $20
GEOG 4880 Geog Measure Techs $10
GEOG 5250 Geog of Food & Hunger $15
GEOG 5460 Globalization Hazard $15
GEOG 5500 Urban Geography $10
GEOG 5540 Community Analysis $15
GEOG 5550 Sem Community Devel $15
GEOG 5800 Intro Geog Info Sys $15
GEOG 5805 GIS For Homeland Sec $20
GEOG 5810 Cartographic Design $15
GEOG 5820 Enviro Remote Sensing $15
GEOG 5830 Adv Geog Info Systm $10
GEOG 5840 Adv Remote Sensing $10
GEOG 5841 GIS Databases $15
GEOG 5842 GIS Programming $15
GEOG 5850 GIS Application $10
GEOG 5851 GIS Internship $15
GEOG 5880 Geog Measure Techs $10
GERM 1010 Elementary German I $30
GERM 1020 Elementary German II $30
Subject Course Course Title Amount
HS 1575 First Aid Emerg Care $ 5
HON 1350 Scientific Inquiry $20
INSY 1360 Int Computer Inf Sys $15
INSY 1370 Microcptr Applic Bus $20
INSY 2840 Intro to Object-Oriented Pro $20
INSY 3100 Adv Object-Oriented Pro $20
INSY 3280 Database Technologies $20
INSY 4300 Sys Analysis & Design $15
ITAL 1010 Elementary Italian I $20
ITAL 1020 Elemntary Italian II $20
JPN 1010 Elem Japanese I $30
JPN 1020 Elem Japanese II $30
JPN 1100 Intsv Beg Japanese $25
KISW 1010 Kiswahili I $20
KISW 1020 Kiswahili II $20
LBST 3000 LBST Foundations $15
LIS 5570 Digit Digital Repost $25
Subject Course Course Title Amount
H S 1575 First Aid Emerg Care $ 5
HON 1350 Scientific Inquiry $20
INSY 1360 Int Computer Inf Sys $15
INSY 1370 Microcptr Applic Bus $20
INSY 2840 Intro to Object-Oriented Pro $20
INSY 3100 Adv Object-Oriented Pro $20
INSY 3280 Database Technologies $20
INSY 4300 Sys Analysis & Design $15
ITAL 1010 Elementary Italian I $20
ITAL 1020 Elemntary Italian II $20
JPN 1010 Elem Japanese I $30
JPN 1020 Elem Japanese II $30
JPN 1100 Intsv Beg Japanese $25
KISW 1010 Kiswahili I $20
KISW 1020 Kiswahili II $20
LBST 3000 LBST Foundations $15
LIS 5570 Digit Digital Repost $25
Subject Course Course Title Amount
MATH 0990 Appl Intermed Algebra $10
MATH 1200 College Algebra $10
MATH 1210 College Alg & Trig $10
MATH 1250 Pre-Calculus Math $10
MATH 1410 Calculus I $10
MATH 1415 Calc Life Sci I $35
MATH 1420 Calculus II $10
MATH 2430 Caluculs III $10
MATH 2800 Discrte Math $25
MATH 4010 Tech in HS math Class $25
MATH 4600 Intro Statistics $25
MATH 5825 Machine Learning $20
MATH 5830 Deep Learning $20
MUS 1100 Strings $50
MUS 1101 Trumpet or Cornet $50
MUS 1102 French Horn $50
MUS 1105 Trombone $50
MUS 1106 Tuba $50
MUS 1107 Jazz Piano $50
MUS 1108 Flute $50
MUS 1109 Clarinet $50
MUS 1111 Intro Theory I $10
MUS 1112 Intro Theory II $10
MUS 1116 Class Voice I $20
MUS 1117 Class Voice II $20
MUS 1118 Saxophone $50
MUS 1119 Oboe $15
MUS 1132 Bassoon $15
MUS 1133 Percussion $50
MUS 1139 Piano $50
MUS 1143 Voice $50
MUS 1144 Guitar $50
MUS 1145 Organ $50
MUS 1146 Steel Pan $50
MUS 1147 African Drum $50
MUS 1148 Bass:Acoustc/Electrc $50
MUS 1191 Class Piano I $20
MUS 1192 Class Piano II $20
MUS 1196 Jazz Piano Class $15
MUS 2050 Intro Sound Art $40
MUS 2100 Music Technology I $65
MUS 2216 Jazz Music History $15
MUS 2217 Pop Music History $15
MUS 2221 Gospel Music History $15
MUS 2223 Music & Worship $15
Subject Course Course Title Amount
MUSA 1100 Flute $20
MUSA 1101 Oboe $20
MUSA 1102 Clarinet $20
MUSA 1103 Saxophone $20
MUSA 1104 Bassoon $20
MUSA 1105 Trumpet $20
MUSA 1106 French Horn $20
MUSA 1107 Trombone $20
MUSA 1108 Baritone $20
MUSA 1109 Tuba $20
MUSA 1110 Violin $20
MUSA 1111 Viola $20
MUSA 1112 Cello $20
MUSA 1113 Double Bass $20
MUSA 1114 Guitar $20
MUSA 1115 Percussion $20
MUSA 1116 African Drum $20
MUSA 1117 Steel Pan $20
MUSA 1120 Piano $20
MUSA 1121 Organ $20
MUSA 1124 Voice $20
MUSA 1130 Jazz Improvisation $20
MUSA 1131 Jazz Saxophone $20
MUSA 1132 Jazz Trumpet $20
MUSA 1133 Jazz Trombone $20
MUSA 1134 Jazz Piano $20
MUSA 1135 Jazz Guitar $20
MUSA 1136 Jazz Bass $20
MUSA 1137 Drumset $20
MUSA 1138 Jazz Voice $20
MUSA 2200 Flute $20
MUSA 2201 Oboe $20
MUSA 2202 Clarinet $20
MUSA 2203 Saxophone $20
MUSA 2204 Bassoon $20
MUSA 2205 Trumpet $20
MUSA 2206 French Horn $20
MUSA 2207 Trombone $20
MUSA 2208 Baritone $20
MUSA 2209 Tuba $20
MUSA 2210 Violin $20
MUSA 2211 Viola $20
MUSA 2212 Cello $20
MUSA 2213 Double Bass $20
MUSA 2214 Guitar $20
MUSA 2215 Percussion $20
MUSA 2216 African Drum $20
MUSA 2217 Steel Pan $20
MUSA 2220 Piano $20
MUSA 2221 Organ $20
MUSA 2224 Voice $20
MUSA 2230 Jazz Improvisation $20
MUSA 2231 Jazz Saxophone $20
MUSA 2232 Jazz Trumpet $20
MUSA 2233 Jazz Trombone $20
MUSA 2234 Jazz Piano $20
MUSA 2235 Jazz Guitar $20
MUSA 2236 Jazz Bass $20
MUSA 2237 Drumset $20
MUSA 2238 Jazz Voice $20
MUSE 1110 Concert Band $15
MUSE 1115 Chamber Ensemble $15
MUSE 1116 Woodwind Ensemble $15
MUSE 1117 Brass Ensemble $15
MUSE 1118 Percussion Ensemble $15
MUSE 1126 Guitar Ensemble $15
MUSE 1130 Jazz Band $15
MUSE 1134 Jazz Combo $15
MUSE 1136 Vocal Jazz Ensemble $15
MUSE 1140 Concert Choir $15
MUSE 1144 Gospel Choir $15
MUSE 1148 Chamber Choir $15
MUSE 1151 Steel Band $15
MUSE 1160 Opera Workshop $15
MUSE 1170 Musical Theatre $15
MUSE 1180 Music Production Grp $15
MUSM 1111 Music Theory I $15
MUSM 1112 Music Theory II $15
MUSM 1113 Music Theory III $15
MUSM 1114 Music Theory IV $15
MUSM 1115 Aural/Key Skills I $15
MUSM 1116 Aural/Key Skills II $15
MUSM 1117 Aural/Key Skills III $15
MUSM 1118 Aural/Key Skills IV $15
MUSM 2201 Woodwind Instruments $25
MUSM 2202 Brass Instruments $25
MUSM 2203 String Instruments $25
MUSM 2204 Percussion Instruments $25
MUSM 2206 Choral Methods $25
MUSM 2207 Jazz Methods $25
MUSM 2218 Composition I $15
MUSM 2219 Composition II $15
MUSM 3111 Theory & Arranging $65
MUSM 3115 Songwriting $20
MUSM 3310 Form and Analysis $10
MUSM 3311 Counterpoint $10
MUSM 3318 Composition III $15
MUSM 3319 Composition IV $15
MUSM 4014 Orchestration $15
Subject Course Course Title Amount
P E 1160 Golf $ 5
P E 1170 Tennis $ 5
P E 2130 Mtd Inst Tumb & Weights $ 5
P E 2140 Mtd Ins Mvmt Con & Dce $ 5
P E 3010 Applied Biomechanics $ 5
P E 3030 Psly of Exercise $10
P E 4022 Measure/Eval in PE $ 5
P E 5011 Applied Biomechanics $ 5
P E 5022 Measure/Eval In PE $ 5
P E 5033 Psly of Exercise $10
P E 5340 Thry/Princp Phys Fit $ 5
PH S 1100 Practical Physics I $20
PH S 1130 Practicl Chem I $20
PH S 1140 Prac Earth/Spa Sci $20
PH S 1150 Basic Astronomy $20
PH S 1800 Forensic Chemistry $20
PHYS 1520 General Physics II $20
PHYS 2110 Physics I With Calc $20
PHYS 2150 Instrumental Optics $20
PHYS 2220 Physics II w/Calc $20
PHYS 2250 Thermo and Optics $20
PHYS 2330 Physics III w/Calc $20
PHYS 2700 Electronics I $20
PHYS 2710 Electronics II $20
PHYS 3300 Fuel Cell Technology $20
PHYS 4700 Electronic III $20
PHYS 4720 Inq Instr Act Phys $20
PHYS 4730 PCK in Science Phys $24
PHYS 4850 Adv Undergrad Lab I $20
PHYS 4860 Adv Undergrad Lab II $20
PHYS 5720 Inq Instr Act Phys $20
PHYS 5730 PCK in Science Phys $24
PSLY 2040 Human Physiology $30
PSLY 4035 Homeostatic Mechnsm $35
PSLY 4330 Physcl Control Mech $30
PSLY 5035 Homeostatic Mechnsm $35
PSLY 5330 Physcl Control Mech $30
PSYC 1130 Sci in Serv Society $15
PSYC 3140 Perception/Cognition $10
PUBH 5122 ILE Public Health I $15
RUSS 1010 Elem Russian I $20
RUSS 1020 Elem Russian II $20
S WK 5440 S Wk Rsrch Methods $15
S WK 5441 Research Methods II $25
S WK 5460 Field Practicum I $15
S WK 5461 Field Practicum II $15
S WK 5462 Field Practicum III $15
S WK 5463 Field Practicum IV $15
S WK 5464 Post MSW School S WK Fld $15
SPAN 1010 Elementary Spanish I $30
SPAN 1020 Elementary Spanish II $30
SPAN 1030 Elementary Spanish III $20
SPAN 1100 Intensive Beginning Spanish $20
SPAN 1200 Elem Span Profsns I $30
SPAN 1210 Elem Span Profsns II $30
SPAN 2010 Intermed Spanish I $30
SPAN 2020 Intermed Spanish II $30
SPAN 2030 Inter Spanish III $20
SPAN 3010 Advanced Spanish I $30
SPAN 3020 Advanced Spanish II $30
SPAN 3510 Span Amer Lit II $ 5
Subject Course Course Title Amount
TPS 3500 Computer System Tech $100
TPS 4510 Network Configrtn I $100
TPS 4520 Network Configrtn II $100
TPS 4530 Network Practicum I $100
TPS 4540 Network Practicum II $100
TPS 5070 Informatics Essentls $100
TPS 5220 Internet Publishing $100
TPS 5500 Computer System Tech $100
TPS 5510 Netwrk Fund Info Spc $100
TPS 5520 Network Configrtn II $100
TPS 5530 Network Practicum I $100
TPS 5630 Database Sys & Tech $25
ZOOL 2040 Biology of Animals $40
ZOOL 2050 Human Functnl Anatmy $25
ZOOL 2610 Funct Anat:Supp Lab $25