Grade Grievance Policy Summary
Complaints, grievances, and appeals relating to admissions, academic status, financial
assistance, faculty oral English proficiency, student conduct, and other topics are
described at appropriate places in the 海角社区 Undergraduate Catalog or student handbook.
When a grade or evaluation dispute occurs, students are required to file their written
petition or grievance within 60 days after the grade has been rendered. Petitions
or grievances initiated after the 60 day deadline will not be considered. Students
should take the following steps when filing a petition or grievance:
- Students who receive failing grades because of nonattendance are required to submit
medical evidence documenting their incapacity to complete the course during the period
in question. Such petitions are forwarded to the Appeals Committee in the Registrar's
Office for review. The decision of the Appeals Committee will be final.
- When a grade or evaluation dispute occurs, students should discuss with the instructor
how the grade was determined. This conference should be held as soon as possible after
the grade has been rendered. As soon as possible, the student and the instructor should
attempt to resolve through communication with the instructor. Many times, questions
about grades can best be resolved through communication with the instructor.
- If questions still remain following the conference with the instructor, the issue
should be referred first to the course director and the matter shall be discussed
by the team instructing that course. At the request/discretion of the student or course
director, the person against whom the complaint is made may or may not be present
at the initial discussion. The course director representing the team will meet with
the instructor and student for the purpose of clarification as the matter warrants,
and in an attempt to arrive at a solution. A written statement should be given to
the student within one (1) calendar week regarding the decision. If no satisfaction
is obtained, the matter then shall proceed to the College of Business Admission, Progression,
Retention and Graduation (APRG) Committee.
Channeling to the Admission, Progression, Retention and Graduation Committee:
- Within one (1) calendar week after the student has received written notice regarding
the decision of the team the student may present a written complaint to the APRG Committee.
- Upon receiving the complaint, the APRG Committee will request from the team concerned
a written account of the situation and the action taken.
- Within one (1) week, the APRG Committee will respond to the student's issue in writing,
to the Chairperson.
If no satisfactory decision is reached, the student will submit a written account
of the situation to the Chairperson of the Department of Management, Marketing and
Information Systems or the Department of Accounting and Finance.
Channeling to the Department Chairperson:
- Upon receiving the complaint, the department chairperson will request from the course
director and the APRG Committee a written account of actions that have been taken.
- The complaint will be discussed with student and all other persons involved. If appropriate,
all persons involved will meet to discuss the details of the complaint.
- If the department chairperson or program chairperson is unable to arrive at a resolution
that is satisfactory to both the student and the instructor, the issue may be referred
to the appropriate academic dean.
Channeling to the Dean of the College:
The dean will appoint a grievance committee to hear the complaint and provide advice.
The ordinary rights of parties at a hearing (student or instructor) shall apply, including
the right to notice of hearing and decision reached; the right to be present at the
hearing, together with legal counsel; and the right to present and inspect evidence.
Specific procedures for the hearing of each case shall be determined by members of
the committee. Following the hearing, the committee will present its advice to the
dean and communicate its recommendations to the department chairperson or program
director, to the instructor, and to the student. The decision of the dean will be
College-Level Student Grievance Procedure:
The programs in the College of Business provide students with a written copy of student
and instructor responsibilities, and procedures for enforcing them. Causes for grievances
- Admission to professional course sequence,
- Admission to clinical experiences,
- Evaluation of student performance in courses, clinical settings, or other program-related
activities. Student grievance procedures and guidelines and the "Petition for Hearing"
are available from the respective programs.
Steps Prior to Hearing:
- To initiate a formal grievance, the student must file a completed Petition for Hearing
with the student's program chairperson.
- Before a formal grievance can rise to the college level, it must have proceeded through
the prior levels of deliberation indicated below:
- Conference between instructor and student.
- Conference between program chairperson and student.
- Hearing before program level grievance committee.
College Level Grievance Process:
The dean will appoint a grievance committee to hear the complaint and provide advice.
The ordinary rights of parties at a hearing (student or instructor) shall apply, including
the right to notice of hearing and decision reached; the right to be present at the
hearing; and the right to present and inspect evidence. Specific procedures for the
hearing of each case shall be determined by members of the committee. The primary
role of the grievance committee is to ascertain whether the department followed their
published policies and procedures. Following the hearing, the committee will present
its advice to the dean and communicate its recommendations to the department program
chairperson, to the instructor, and to the student. The decision of the dean will
be final.
If the student requests, and the instructor does not object, the dean may resolve
the problem without the intervention of a grievance committee.
Composition of College-Level Grievance Committee:
- The Dean of the College or his/her representative from the College of Health Sciences.
- One faculty member from the program involved.
- One faculty member from the other academic departments in the College.
- One College of Business student not from the program.
- One student from the program involved.
Resolution of the committee will be based on two-thirds of the majority.