
College of Business Curriculum Committee

The mission of the College of Business’s Curriculum Committee is to deliver a dynamic and innovative curriculum; define learning outcomes and assure that students achieve these learning outcomes; prepare a foundation for learners to engage in life-long learning and achievement in a rapidly changing, increasingly diverse and global business marketplace.  


  • Be responsible for studying, accepting, or returning for revision all proposals submitted by College of Business’s Departmental Curriculum Committees for establishing new courses, programs, or curricula; for deleting or substituting courses; and for changing existing courses, programs, or curricula.
  • Ensure that assessment tools and procedures are in place to support the achievement of learning outcomes and that results are reported to demonstrate progress towards the achievement of these outcomes.
  • Submit all proposals involving the general education program and new programs to the University’s Curriculum Committee with its recommendations.
  • Have power to initiate curricular proposals.
  • Establish standards and process for curricular oversight for all business courses and other college-wide curricular requirements.
  • Have final authority for the substitution, alteration, addition, or deletion of courses other than those involving the general education program. It shall report final recommendations to the Dean of the College of Business, the University’s Curriculum Committee and the Office of the Provost for final approval.

Committee Members

Members are nominated by their respective department, during a regularly scheduled departmental meeting and upon their acceptance are voted on by all tenured/tenure-track & fulltime temporary faculty members in attendance.  The composition of the committee is as follows:

  • Six (6) elected faculty, one (1) member from each of the respective disciplines which are Accounting, Finance, Management, Management Information Systems, Marketing and Quantitative Business Analysis; all with equal speaking and voting privileges.
  • The Chair of the committee is voted on by its members and will vote only to break ties. In the absence of the Chair, the faculty assistant chair/secretary will chair the committee meeting.
  • The Dean, who is a non-voting ex-officio member.
  • The Director of Experiential Learning, who is a non-voting ex-officio member.
  • The Assistant to the Dean for Assessment/Strategic Planning, who is a non-voting ex-officio member.


Dr. Khalid Alsamara – Chair (Management Information Systems)

Dr. Wolanyo Kpo – Assistant Chair (Management)

Dr. Zafar Bokhari – Secretary (Marketing)

Dr. John Stedl (Quantitative Business Analysis)

Dr. Ernst Coupet, Jr. (Finance)

Professor Tollie Carter (Accounting)

Meeting Schedule Frequency

Meetings are to be held at least once a semester, however, special meetings may be called if required provided a forty-eight (48) hour window is given.